Chapter 4

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As I laid in my bed thinking, my mind wandered to Chance. My face flushed at the memory of him on by bed, pinning me down. Then the anger set in. How could he do that to me? What kind of a guy messed around with a girl he barely knew like that? Well, certainly Chance would, since he was such a player and all. He just wanted to see my reaction. That was it. It wasn't like he would ever like me at all. I turned over on my side and fell asleep, with Chance on my mind.

**Chance's POV**

She was so cute when she was embarrassed. The way her face turned bright red and the way her body began fidgeting. When I began my walk home, I stared at the picture I had taken of her at the party, and marvelled at the fact the she was the only girl who didn't fall for my charm.

God, she was so difficult--but so beautiful, and she didn't even know. She had a confidence level of about 5, but whenever I came along, she scrunched up her cute nose and a scowl came across her perfect face. And her brown hair, and those blue, piercing eyes--

What am I thinking? I've never had these thoughts before. Why did I think about this girl all the time--the girl who I met when she fell on her face? I chuckled to myself. This clumsy girl had captured my heart, and she didn't even know it. Zoey was constantly annoyed by me, yet I sensed something about her that changed whenever I was around. What could that be?

I reached into the backseat of my car and grabbed what I had snatched when Zoey had pushed me off of her bed. Her red shirt, with the word 'Rebel' on the front. It smelled like her--a sweet smell like fruit. I don't know why I took it; I guess I just wanted something to be reminded of her by. I smiled and threw her shirt to the back again, and drove to my house.

                                                                                 *     *     *

(Still Chance's POV)

The next day, I woke up and pulled a tight white v-neck over my head and put on some low rise jeans. I fixed by hair in the mirror before going downstairs to have breakfast. My 6-year-old sister, Emma, sat at the table, her legs swinging back and forth as she ate some waffles.  My parents were always traveling because of their million dollar business, so I was usually left to take care of Emma.

"Morning, Emma," I said, pulling a carton of milk out of the fridge. I opened it and drank from the spout.

"Hey! You can't do that! That's yucky!" she said, sticking out her tongue. I stuck out my tongue too, and put the milk back.

"Well, I gotta go soon, so make sure you don't miss the bus!" I said. It was a Monday, and she was in 1st grade, but she had to ride the bus because our parents couldn't take her. Sometimes they really pissed me off because they were never around for Emma and I.

I jogged down out long driveway, got into my Mercedes Benz, and drove to Creekview High.

**Zoey's POV**

When I got into Physics class, I sulked to my table in the back. I was dreading the moment when Chance would come into the class and tease me about the party. As I was thinking of ways to not get embarrassed, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up.

"Whatcha thinking about, Klutz?" Chance asked as he plopped into his seat. I glared at him. He only laughed.

"None of your freaking business, man-whore," I said coldly. He actually had a look of hurt on his pretty face, and I felt kinda guilty, but then again, he deserved it for playing with my heart like that.

Jake turned around from his seat. "Looks like the two of you are back to normal."

"Yeah, I guess..." Chance mumbled under his breath.

As class went on, Chance didn't really say anything to me. When we found out we had to do a project with our table buddy, he sighed. But then I found out that we had to go to each other's houses. Oh, God.

Jake turned around again and whispered to me, "This'll be your chance to tell him how you feel!"

"To tell him that I hate him? He already knows that," I said, loud enough for Chance to hear. He still didn't say anything. I frowned.

"What's the matter? Can't think of anything mean to say?" I asked.

He scoffed, then handed me a piece of paper. "Here's my address. Come tomorrow after school," and with that, the bell rang, and he left.

"Somethings got into him," Jake said quietly before I left. I agreed.

                                                                                 *     *     *

As I stepped out of my brother's car, I stared at the huge mansion in awe. Of course Chance lived in a mansion. I mean what else?

I walked up to the gate, and it opened up for me. When I got to the door, an old butler was waiting with the door held open. As I walked in, I was immediately surrounded with lavish decorations; thick drapes, golden trinkets, and marble statuettes. I was so enthralled by his house, that I didn't notice when Chance walked down the stairs to watch me.

"Boo!" he said, and I jumped. I scowled at his smug face. "Would you like a grand tour?" he said with a fake french accent.

"Oui," I said, following him. Overall, there were 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, a grand kitchen and dining room, and a media room. He said his little sister was still at school, and his parents weren't home. Then we went up to Chance's room, and I started getting nervous. What if he tried to pull another one of those tricks on me? No one was home anyways...

Chance's room was pretty nice, with a king size, black framed bed, and matching black modern furniture. There was also a desk in the corner of his room with a high tech computer.

I sat down on his bed, then decided to lay down. That's when the trouble started. He was sitting at his desk, but when he saw me lay down, he hopped up and came up to the bed. Before he could pin me down again, my reflexes kicked in and my foot shot out--connecting with his private parts. He groaned and dropped to the floor, rolling around in pain

I broke out into hysterical laughter, and before I could recover, he got back up and jumped onto the bed. He grabbed both of my wrists with one of his hands, and tickled me with his other hand. I began to laugh even more, so that I was doing that silent laugh thing because I couldn't breathe.

I tried to beg him to stop, but I couldn't get any words out, so I kneed him in the ribs. He growled and we rolled onto the floor. When he pulled on my hair, I bit into his shoulder--which was very muscular, by the way. He yelped and punched me in the shoulder. Then, I grimaced and punched him in the shoulder that I had just bitten. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. I struggled to break free, but he was too strong.

He began to lean in, and that was when his bedroom door opened...

To Be Continued...

HAHA! Cliffhanger! Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, follow, and share, because I very much appreciate the love:) Don't be afraid to say what you think; I can take it!

Nicholas Hoult

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