An Inexpected Announcement

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Today,was the day Kumalala wake up with this only idea in his mind make Obama throw up of jealousy and be the new nuclear bomb 😍😍🥰

So he opened he's closet (he broke it)
And choose the SLAYEST outfit he find:

Occasional dress that he never wears cuz he have no friends or occasional things 😍😍😍🤑

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Occasional dress that he never wears cuz he have no friends or occasional things 😍😍😍🤑

He got it on a trip in Africa the first animal that he very liked and gets killed by a random man 🤕🤕So as a tributes he used his skin to make heels with their skin

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He got it on a trip in Africa the first animal that he very liked and gets killed by a random man 🤕🤕
So as a tributes he used his skin to make heels with their skin.

And for this occasion he make make up and a new haircut 🥰🥰😍😜

And for this occasion he make make up and a new haircut 🥰🥰😍😜

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Kamalala said when he is looking at the mirror

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Kamalala said when he is looking at the mirror.

"I look so stunning 😍 Obama will get crush by a car when he's going to look a t me 😍😍😍🥰 Amen 🙏🙏🙏🧑🏿‍🦲"

Then he gets out of his house with a smile in his face.

When he finally arrives at the destination,it hasn't Shrek swamp but an old villa that Obama owned,it has a big garden with a pool but it was the ugliest think that kumalala sees in his life he prefer a garbage can that this shit.

Then he saw Obama and savesta,he litteraly throw up🤮🤮🤮🤢 on Shrek pants.

"Hey WHO TF IS WRONG WITH YOU 🤬🤬🤬💀😠"said Shrek with angy XwX voice

"Sorry shreky 🤗🤗😚 but I saw a bird so I didn't control myself 🥰🥰😇😉"

When Savesta saw Shrek and kumalala together he was so fucking jealous,finally he understood Obama but he tried to be serious or Obama will SLUrrRp his souL 💀💀

They started the music by DJ Cuppcakke
The best DJ in the whole world,everybody started dancing and drunk.

Of course Every guest saw the magnificent of Kumalala look he was indirectly the star of the party,Obama didn't notice yet.

When people start to calm down a little, Savesta took this chance to talk to kumalala,he did it like the cheap movie on Netflix.

"Hi, kumalala I didn't expect you here"

"OF coUrse I WOUlD BE HERE BITCH 🤬🤬 I Will AlWays Rise 💀💀👿"

Savesta didn't except this reation,but then he remembered that they are "RIVALS"

"Hey kuma I have something to tell-"

Before savesta talk the dj started playing Squidard nose kumalala can't miss his favorite song.

"OMG 😱😱😱😱😳😳"

Kumalala run for his life to the dance floor and Savesta follow him.

They had so much fun,They will never know that one day they're going to be dancer instead of rap singers.

Obama got in rage,he eated the whole glass cup Savesta dancing IN THE DANCE FLOOR 🤬🤬🤬😡 WITHOUT MY PERMISSION 🤯🤯😵HE LOOK LIKE A HAUNTED TRASH 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

"Hey I have to make an announcement"

Obama was surrounded by all the guests it was a very important announcement,Savesta's face break down when Obama started talking its like his a chained demon Grr😈🖤🖤⛓⛓

"Me and my boyfriend have an important think to say🥵🥵🥶,come here my little cwicwi🤪🤪😜"

HOW HE CALLED HIM ???!🤨🤨🤨CWICWI🤢🤢🤢🤮LIKE BIRDS 😰😰😰😨 kumalala hates bird.

"Okay so me and Obama are getting married in the next month 🖤🖤⛓"


Isn't the month after July? August?
It's a non sense like this HFIDIS🤬😡🤬🤡🤬🤡🤬🤡🤬😠story.

Kumalala was devastated because first the next month was not April but August and second  the 18 was his birthday.

He tried to keep his tear to ruin his mascara and run to his house.

Kumala and Savesta enemy to lover (Kumala x Savesta Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now