Y/n's Lover?.

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the girls were all hanging out in the cabins, you were enjoying a nice walk on the beach, looking at the sea when someone was behind you.

Gwen: Hey Y/n.

You look over your shoulder and see Gwen sitting on the beach drawing something in her book.

Y/n: Gwen, nice morning isn't it?.

Gwen: What are you doing up so early?. Normally you sleep in.

Y/n: Today's one of those days where you don't do the things you normally do.

Gwen: Don't you have games?.

Y/n: Yes, but today's a day where I want to enjoy this island for what it is, It's very pretty.

Gwen: Just like you-

Y/n: Thanks.

Gwen blushes and sketches in her book before a loud horn goes off making her cover her ears.

Gwen: Ow.

Chris: Good morning campers, hopefully, you are all awake, Today's challenge will test your memory on the things you love, so meet me right outside the mess hall for today's challenge.

Gwen: Man, I was almost done drawing.

Y/n: I'll help you finish it later, but right now, we've got a challenge to win.

Gwen smiles and stands up.

Gwen: Heck yeah we do.

You and Gwen find the others sitting on benches and you two take a seat at the end.

Mike: Uh, where's Chris?.

Geoff: What's with the big board?.

Lindsay: And the buzzers on the stands?.

A puff of smoke goes out making everyone couch before Chris appears wearing a flashy baby blue suit with a red tie.

Chris: Ahem.

Chris signals for interns to clap but they missed their cue so they clap and whistle for Chris who smirks.

Chris: Welcome Total Drama Contestants to Buzzfest.

Duncan: That's a lame name.

Chris: So is the name your mother gave you.

Everyone ooohs as Duncan growls at the host.

Chris: Now then, let's go over the rules, I'll ask a random question and two people will come down the walkway to the stands where if they know the answer they will buzz in the answer, first one to hit the buzzer will gain a point and if they answer the question or nobody gets it right, everyone gets shocked.

Chris pulls out a button and Chef has attached everyone with metal collars.

Chris: like this.

Chris pushes the button and everyone gets shocked for a few seconds before Chris lets go of the button.

Chris: Alright who's first?.

nobody wants to go first, not even moving.

Chris: Fine I'll just call random people, Brick and Amy, you two are first.

Brick and Amy head down to the buzzers and await the question.

Chris: Alright this one is for ten points, in which season did I introduce the singing during every episode.

Both buzz in but a light shines on Brick.

Chris: Brick.

Brick: World Tour.

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