Roy Breyer

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On Fathers day weekend , 1969 Six year old Roy Breyer, his brother , his father and his grandfather headed up to the smokey mountains to go camping. This was a family tradition on father's day. They get to the same campsite they always used , they set up , they have a wonderful first night they campout. The next day another camper in the area happend to walk by and saw that Roy and his brother were playing there and so this camper had kids as well and so he asked Roy's father "hey would it be okay if i brought my kids by? they're the same age as your kids ?" Roy's father said " sure bring em down." so the man goes gets his kids, brings them back and before long the kids are all playing hide n seek. Now Roy's father said he had an eye on his son the whole time. He was just at a distance but he was watching him so he didn't get lost. So at one point all the kids are hiding from their parents , after a while their parents say " Okay , show yourselves." All the kids apart from Roy show themselves , Roy's father watched Roy go behind a particular tree , he watched him do it and so when they said " come on out." he wasn't really concerned because he knew where he was , after a few moments he yelled to his son directly , and starts walking over there " come on out Roy i know you're behind the tree?" When he got over there , Roy wasn't there. Roy's father immediately starts running off into the woods screaming for his son running almost 2 miles , the rest of the family start breaking up searching the area , they're all thinking , he couldn't have gone far, he was just here?? Roy's father said " i watched him , i watched him the whole time , i watched him go behind the tree, i don't know where his is!?" They're all searching everywhere but Roy is gone. So a huge search , in-fact the biggest search in park history with 1500 searches including the army green berets , They are combing a 60 square mile plot , they're looking everywhere , but there is no trace , no scent , Nothing connected to Roy Breyer anywhere. So everyone goes back to Roy's father " if you were looking at the tree , how is it that Roy just vanished into thin air?" but no one knew, there was no closure, no one knew what happened to him. Years later other families that were at the campground around the same time as Roy went missing , were interviewed by authorities. The Brown family had told authorities that they had asked a park ranger " where they can go within the campground where they might be able to see some bears?." The park ranger said " be careful but you can go over here to this section of the campground and you might be able to see some bears." So they go over and one of their children hears a scream , or thought they heard a scream and directs the family to look towards where the scream was coming from. From their vantage point they could see up to the side of this mountain where there were sparse trees all over the mountain , so you could see in between the trees. So they saw what looked like a bear , running along the mountain side with something swung over its shoulder. But something the father of this family thought was strange was that this thing they saw didn't really act like a bear , it was acting more like a human the way it was running , like it looked hairy and like an animal , but it was running and dodging in between trees with what looked like a small person over its shoulder. So the authorities have a bear man spotted by the Brown family and so they bring this up to the investigators looking into the Roy Breyer case and obviously the investigators don't take this seriously , although this case has never been solved the Brown family say they saw what they thought was a bear man carrying a small person over its shoulder an hour after Roy goes missing in the same area.. 

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