Chapter Twenty-Nine

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so it's been a month since i've posted. i never ever intended this. to say my life has been crazy is an understatement. first i had summer school to get some of my highschool credits, which was so pretentious. i've also been having volleyball conditioning in the mornings which makes me very tired LMAO

i've also been having some family problems concerning my parents' dire mental health, which did not help in my already declining motivation. but, alas, i found a spark of motivation when it was quiet in my house and i was still awake enough, and i was able to write this!

since it's been a hot minute, here's a vague recap of the entire fic so far (warnings for drinking, death):

your sister died and it affected you and your family deeply. it affected you so deeply that
you became depressed and never told any of your friends (kirishima and jirou). not even the two that knew your sister. the only one who found out was bakugou, tho this was accidental, because you had major guilt and branched away from your family, leaving your brother to call you and reveal information about your sister's funeral. this guilt grew when your classmates, bakugou and midoriya, were kidnapped with you in a helicopter after the dorms were attacked. while midoriya left in the direction of home, in an attempt to get help, you and bakugou crashed on some farmland. he was injured terribly and bleeding heavily, but you were capable of healing. after staying at the strangers' house, realizing your grandmothers were in the same state, and fearing that you two were being hunted, you and bakugou left for your grandmothers house. after following luckily familiar highways and back roads, you made it to their house as bakugou passed out from blood loss. your nana, who is capable of healing, decided to help, and let you two stay at their house. that night you awoke from sleep to find bakugou awake in the living room. after talking and hoping for an ounce of normalcy in your growing friendship, it was uncovered that he had feelings for you. the rest of the stay there felt awkward, and gran, who could read minds, had slightest insight regardless of some language barriers. then, shortly after getting you and bakugou back home to japan, you began to have nightmares about your sister, about bakugou getting hurt, and about your past. meanwhile, your mother began to change. she was no longer kind, and while both of you parents had never been 100% present over the years, she was borderline neglectful. she was drinking constantly, and snapped at you, blaming you and your brother for the things that happened to your sister. she physically attacked you two, and you and your brother fled to the bakugou household down the street from your house.

the bakugous were accepting, and you and your brother stayed there. it has been a few weeks since you found out bakugou's feelings, and since then, something about the way you felt had changed too, though you also realized that this had merely been a slow realization of your feelings—that they had slowly been growing to this since the day he was rescued from the LOV. one night at the bakugou house, you opened up to bakugou about your past. and later, after having a dream-turned-nightmare, revealed your feelings to him and began to date in secret. time passed and soon your friends found out and confronted you about your sister. aftee your brother was attacked, you had a sacrifice yourself, and then fought with bakugou over this sacrifice, this tension in those friendships began to heal in the slightest and the dorms were attacked again. this attack put bakugou, midoriya, kirishima, and jirou in the hospital. this attack put aoyama and hagakure on the list of traitors for working with the people in black armor—the people who had attacked the dorms and wanted you dead—and put a person of your past (your aunt) back into your mind. your aunt was the supposed leader of the group to attack you for your past, which was strange, because your aunt was the reason for your tainted past, for the reason all of the people in this villain group wanted you dead. when the dorms were attacked and your classmates were out in the hospital, you were damaged badly as well.

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