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Chapter Forty-Five:
Rain on Leaves

Chapter Forty-Five:Rain on Leaves

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Many years ago...
Changing Locations


Who was Salvador?

He didn't know.

He'd been given the name by his foster parents because his parents had died before even naming him. The name was given to him because it was the first Latin country that came up when his foster parents were racking their barely sober minds on what to name the Hispanic child they had taken in.

There was no meaning behind the name. Just a Hispanic boy named after a Latin country. He knew that since he was young, they made sure he knew it. Every chance they got, he was reminded of how insignificant he was. Salvador knew he'd never escape this feeling of insignificance, this feeling of never ever amounting to anything. How could he?

From his very first breath, he'd been dealt the worst cards at life.

Growing up with 8 foster siblings was difficulty, to say the least. Four were black, three boys and one girl. Three were white, all boys. One was a small Asian girl. The most recent addition to the family, she was only 5 years old.

Salvador watched as his siblings coped with the beatings, some would take drugs, others would drink and others would just take it. In the household, you never really knew if you were safe. Some days were quiet, those would be the days before Child Protective Services would do their 'random' check-ups. In reality, they were every 4 weeks on a Wednesday.

After that, all hell would break loose once again. Beatings on beatings. Salvador suffered the most, he wouldn't talk, he wouldn't smile. At times you'd even forget he was there.

He didn't even know his foster parents' names, he'd never really cared. All he hoped was that they'd die.

They were never fed. Never given water to bath. Not we're they allowed to have any type of luxury.


As the years went by, Salvador turned 14 years old. Or at least that's what his foster parents had told him. There was no way of actually knowing his age, so he just ran with what they said.

His tolerance for the place was close to nothing. Most of siblings, the black ones were gangbanging and the girl was a stripper. His white foster siblings, had gotten adopted. The privilege of being a white man in America. Leaving Salvador and the unnamed 5 year old girl as the youngest ones.

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