1. movin' out

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tw/drugs, overdose etc.
Angelina's POV
Just to introduce myself, my name is Angelina Thomas. I'm 19 years old and I'm getting the fuck out of here, what a miracle. A little backstory to why I'm moving, well basically growing up in Bedford Stuyvesant wasn't easy. My dad is an amazing man but my mom and sisters on the other hand....

My dad and I have always enjoyed the same things. Alice Cooper, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, you name it. That and a love for drinking. His drinking is manageable and I actually have quite a bit of fun with him under the influence. I'm actually kind of upset about leaving him alone in that hell hole you call a house.

Then we get to my mom if you'd even call her that, Christine. It's a miracle my parents haven't killed each other yet. My mother is a non functioning addict to many substances, alcohol, heroin, coke and whatever else she could drink, snort or shoot. Ever since I was a little girl she constantly put the weight of being a mother to my own mom and my two younger sisters. Pretty sad right? She'd spend all of her mornings sleeping and then the second the clock struck 1:00pm she would wake up and terrorize the whole house. For money, looking for any leftover drugs, as if six year old me had stolen it.

As I got older, I'd go back and forth fighting with her to give us a better life. Considering the fact that my dad was always working, or doing whatever he could to not be in the house, I always took the brunt of it being the oldest sibling. I would witness her free-basing, overdosing plenty of times and a ridiculous amount of things no child should ever see their parents doing.

The second I turned 18 all I wanted to do was run. And my sisters, who are twins by the way, made sure I couldn't do that. No matter how hard I tried to look after them and be a role model they were always just so dispicable to me. I never understood why. The funny thing is, when they turned seventeen the first thing they did was abandon me. After a year of pleading with me to stay because they couldn't control our mother, this is what they do? Leave me all alone?

I have never been able to fathom that, and I don't think I ever will. So why did I choose Los Angeles? All I'd be doing is going from one drug fueled city to another. If I'm being completely honest, I indulge in alcohol quite excessively and I've done coke here and there, but I'm going for the ambiance, opportunities, and a sense of possible normalcy. All I want to do is start over, with a clean slate.

So, I packed up all of my things, threw on my chucks, a pair of sweatpants and a Black Sabbath tee shirt and hopped into my black Chevrolet Chevelle and began the two day drive that awaited me.

The drive was rough for sure, a few times I thought my car would just stop working. I had made stops in Chicago, Nebraska and my favorite, Las Vegas. The anticipation is what kept me going on this crazy drive. Being that it was mid may, it was beautiful throughout the ride. I had my windows down blasting Movin' Out by Aerosmith, fitting right? My thick blonde hair was blowing in my face. It was a struggle for me to see in front of me but I was content just to know I was closer to a new life. The drive had gotten me thinking, what would it be like if I were to have gone to college? In the long run, probably nothing, I was smart and definitely could've done it, besides the fact that I had basically little to no money. And you know my mom wouldn't have paid a dime. I mean, realistically our house back home was falling apart. My dad would've been proud and tried to help but it's just not realistic.

As I approached the "Welcome to California" sign, I felt a knot begin growing in my stomach. I couldn't tell it was because of the fact that I was so fucking scared or just so excited at the same time. I'll get back to you all when I settle in, find a place to live or a job perhaps?

A/N give me feedback pleaseee!! I know this chapter was boring but I had to give a backstory to our main character! I haven't written in so long so I'm kinda rusty lmao

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