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T h e b a l l

Kate and I are roaming around the garden, Newton trudging in front of us. I breath in the fresh air, closing my eyes for a minute. I open my eyes and turn to look at Kate, who is staring emotionlessly in front of us.

"Don't listen to anything they say, didi" I tell Kate "You certainly need no man to be happy if you desire so, but if you do want a husband and no one wants to court you because of your age, then it is their loss. Because they choose not to court a strong, beautiful, kind woman that could make them the happiest they could ever be. Age should not even matter to find love."

She smiles at me fondly "You are very mature for a young lady of one and twenty"

"Although it is not exactly love everyone is looking for now. Women are looking for a rich husband, someone who can buy them beautiful things, no matter how old they are. And men are looking for a young beautiful woman who can give them heirs and look good in their arms" I say frowning "All I want is a husband that loves me as I love him, a love like the kind that is in the books I read. Someone who cares about my personality and not how I look, that pays attention to the little things about me"

"Society certainly is now after materialistic things, but I have no doubt that you will find the man you are looking for Bon, you are such a magnificent woman, as you said to me, I now say to you, anyone will be lucky to have you and your love" Kate rubs my shoulder comfortingly before pulling me into a hug

"Now, let's head back inside that we have to get ready for the ball"

"it will be most wonderful, I can already feel it" I cheerfully tell Edwina who laughs as we walk towards our bed chambers

"Just imagine the music, dancing across the room, the gentlemen-"I stopped walking "The gentlemen, I do hope they are not terrible people, I do hope everyone likes us, what if they do not like us and nobody courts us the whole season, we will return to India without a husband, of course, maybe Lady Danbury will offer to house us for another season and it is not the end of the world if we don't find a husband on our first season but-"

"didi" Edwina chuckles nervously "Stop with the negative words, You will make me nervous"

"Sorry" I apologize as we entered our bed chambers.

Kate stood in front of the mirror, looking at a dress she held in front of her body. Edwina and I looked at eachother happily.

"Are you thinking of wearing that one?" Edwina speaks up startling her. Kate turned around, the dress now on her hands before she put it on the davenport. "it is quite beautiful "

"No, these are for you both, we have come to London to find you both a husband, not mine" She says firmly

"Yes, Yes, you are but a old maid" I say teasingly sitting down.

"uh, who shall be perfectly happy doting on my many nieces and nephews one day soon, I shall spoil them exceedingly, you both do know that, yes?" Kate answers, Edwina gives her a small smile before looking down "What is it?"

"i- it is just an observation y/n made. Only hope they like us tonight"

"How could they not" Kate says as she grabs Edwina's hand, tugging her to sit on the bed

"Mama is doing that thing she always does when she is worried, the gossip she endured after marrying apa had to be unbearable, do you not think?" Kate sighs at Edwina's comment

"Is this what troubles you? that was many years ago" She frowned

"Everyone will still have questions, about our family, about how you, y/n and i are related-"

Tales of a Heart ▪︎ Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now