scenario no.1 | the escape

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...Painting, as the cold air felt like razors in the back of my throat as we both rushed, thumping in the snow for refuge in the distance.

I could hear his voice, he sounded hurt in the depth of his tone as he panted. I saw a light strike piercing the cold mist arround us and in a sudden i felt his warm hand grab my wrist as he pulled me into him and we ducked and collapsed under an incline tucked away from the sight of anyone.

It suddenly went quiet,
all i could hear was the sound of my heartbeat and the warm breath from his mouth. As I sat beside him still panting, i turned to him and saw him holding his lower leg, i saw blood on his fingers, he was in pain.

I moved towards him and i told him 'let me see.' He resisted but took his hand away and revealed a deep slash as he turned his head away. I went to touch it but as i did he grabbed my wrist and said in a deep low voice 'dont worry about it, ya buda v poryadke (i'll be fine).' He gently let go of my wrist and turned his head away. I looked at him for a brief few seconds, i knew he was in pain, he didnt want to look weak.

I clenched the side of my skirt as a ripping noise pierced the silence as i held a piece of cloth in my hand. He turned to look at me as a sat down in front of him (his back against the incline with his legs in front). I wove the cloth under and back up around his leg, i looked up to him, as i was about to tie the knot, he lowered his hands over mine and said 'bytʹ nezhnym (be gentle), please' he sounded weak. I quickly pulled the knot tight as he bit down into the collar of his uniform.

Suddenly, a bright light shined over head from a distance behind into the forest i front, suddenly i felt his hands grab my waist as he pulled me into him under the ledge of the incline. He put one of his hands over my mouth and  the other around my waist, whispering into my ear 'be quiet'.

I could feel the warmth of his body and the sound of his breath. I could smell the blood on his hand as he lowered his hand off my mouth. His face suddenly went from supprised to a grin as he snickered slightly. I was confused, he muttered 'you look like youve taken the chunk out of my leg.' i put my hand on my face and looked down into them, there was blood from his hand on my face. I went to move both my hands to my face to wipe it off when i suddenly came to the realisation that i was still on him. The blood on my face started to blend into my skintone as i turned red. I jumped off him and sat down beside him as i tried wiping the blood off my face frantically, i was too embarred to look at his face after that, but i felt his hand suddenly touch my chin and lift it up as he used his other hand to wipe off a smudge of blood still on my lip. he said, 'your lips are turning blue, are you cold?' I replied quickly with a 'I will be fine.' As I was still flustered from before.

He suddenly started to unzip his jacket and told me to move closer to him. I resisted at first but I was actually desperate to be warm. He swung the other half of the jacket over me while wrapping his arm around and under my torso. His warm hands sent shivers down my spine as I tried to stay calm. My face started to warm up. He turned to look at me and  said softly, 'it's nice to see your pink lips coming back to life.'

(Sorry for any spelling errors lmao)

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