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Enjoy my lovelies<3

T/W: R@pe, SA, NON/CON, abuse, torture

Zugzwang (n.)
A situation where every possible move
or decision is a bad one,
or one that will result in damage or loss.

"Remember to follow and always listen to me guys"  I said trying to keep calm not only for myself but also for them.

You had currently walked for 4 hours taking short breaks to have snacks and take special care for Lucia.

While on one of these breaks you heard a slight rumble in the ground. You automatically switched into to action and ushered your siblings into a nearby bush.

Soon the rumble got closer and closer until the thing that was making the sound was in view. It was a car, and there were men in the back with guns.

You looked back at your siblings thankful that Lucia was being quite. You made a motion with your finger, putting it up to your mouth a sign to keep them from making noise.

The truck soon stopped close to the bush. You knew it would only be a matter of time before they found you guys.

You either stall the men so they can get away or you'll all be caught. As you went through the outcome of these decisions even though they are both bad, you made a decision.

You turned to Bailey and Benjamin.

"I might not be with you for very much longer, you know the way to our aunts right?" You asked quickly

They nodded

You grabbed the backpack that was given to you and gave it to Benjamin since he was younger. You looked over to Bailey, a look of panic on his face.

"Your the oldest after me Bailey, I am making sure you guys are safe, you need to be responsible and be brave for me ok?"

Another nod

"I love you both so much, mama would be proud of you, while I'm gone please take care of Lucia, don't stop for anything, don't trust anyone, your half way there just a little bit further and you will be safe."

With tears in your eyes you kissed both their foreheads and then looked down to your baby sister.

"You behave yourself, you hear me?"

You said as you bent down to place a kiss on her forehead as well.

"Alright time to go guys, follow the map, it tells you where you need to go"

"I love you sissy" was all you heard as they disappeared from you view as they silently walked through the tall grass, the opposite way of the truck.

You turned you attention back to the men who were slowly making their way closer to you. Understanding the consequences for what you were about to do, you walked out in plain sight, fearing for your life.

'At least their safe' you thought


A deep voice erupted your thoughts as you were now spotted. You slowly put your hands up as the other men started to notice the commotion.

Still The Same     Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang