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"He called us weak!" Inner wheezed in laughter. Sakura groaned as she dragged her beaten body back towards town, while Inner laughed her non-existent ass off. It was probably close to midnight and she knew the general direction to town after passing it while trailing the so-called Haku boy, he was too pretty. When the familiar wooden gates came into view she sighed in relief before leaning up against a damp tree.

Thank the academy for basic first aid. Sakura cleaned her wounds; while none of them are severe, they hurt worse than getting hit while sparring. This made Sakura realize that Kakashi rarely ever allows her to spar at all. Not against Sasuke, or even Naruto. How she hadn't realized before is beyond her.

"We've been watching Sasuke-kun move his delicious muscles." Inner gushed. Sakura could almost hear the squeal at the end, which made her cringe. Inner was right. Sakura had been watching Sasuke, and gods he was hot. However, Sakura wanted to bash herself, she hadn't been training enough, but 'what's done has been done' is what her mother always says, 'and it can't be changed. You have to move forward and do better.'

"Cha! That's right, we will do better. Taken straight from that blonde haired banshee." Inner cheered as Sakura ran water over some of the cuts and rubbed some numbing cream on the worst ones. Her arms and legs already show some bruising, the redness already turning to purple and blue. It was only really four visible bruises, and some scratches on her arm and a few on her legs.

Sakura's excuse would be fool proof; after all, who would believe she stumbled across Zabuza and lived to tell the tale. Honestly the whole situation was humiliating from her following an unknown Shinobi, to Zabuza not thinking she's worth killing.

Zabuza literally said, "I'll just kill you later, and I'll make the Copycat Ninja watch." While laughing deeply. She has felt her blood run cold, even more so than when she was hit with his killing intent.

After that he told her to scram, and scram she did. She ran so fast, filled with adrenaline. Only five minutes ago did she come down and was exhausted, but she dragged her feet one in front of the other until she knew she reached the village. Now that she has properly taken care of her scrapes and bruises, she got up and followed the path she took with Tazuna, early today, back to the house.

"There you are Sakura..." he trailed off with his eye crinkles slowly fading. His eyes looked suspicious, "where did you go off to?"

"Training, but I took a tumble."

"And you look like that?" Kakashi inquired.

Before he could ask more, Sakura blurted out, "I tried Tree Hopping, I'm sorry sensei." Sakura bowed to hide her face, Kakashi is experienced enough to see through her lie.

"Mah my cute little Genin, while I do appreciate the initiative I would think you would know better than to try new jutsus and techniques by yourself."
He patted her head, and she lifted it.

"Yes Naruto was doing his own thing, so I left him to it. He was not being the reckless idiot he normally is."

"Did you not pass him on the way back?"

"No, is he not back yet?" Kakashi's eyes crinkled up again, Sakura knew it.

She did exactly what Kakashi thought she would do, "That Idiot!" She whispered-scream. "Just leave him out there! That'll teach him."

"Go on to sleep, Sakura-chan. He will be fine." She nodded. She was exhausted and started brooding about Naruto's idiocy and her idiocy. As she went to the guest room she thought, 'How could he train himself to almost complete exhaustion? In enemy territory and talk to the enemy.' Sounds like what she just did, without the training part. At least he was training. Sakura then decided that when she gets free time instead of helping Tsunami she would train with her chakra control.

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