Death By Misadventure

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Flashback To The First
Day of 3rd grade in Hackensack•

Amelia had just moved to Hackensack, New Jersey with her mom. After her parents had gotten a divorce her mom had gotten full custody of her , and took Amelia to her hometown.

"Amelia!" her mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs, "It's time for your first day at your new school!"

"Coming!",Young Amelia said running down the stairs trying her best to put her shoes on since she was tired.

Amelia stood there at the end of the stairs out of breathe.

Her mother smiled, "You look adorable Mels." Then she leaned down and kiss her on her forehead.

"Thanks mommy." Amelia says as she smiled.

•At School•

Amelia walked around the classroom looking for her seat. Amelia stopped at a empty seat by a blonde hair girl with pink highlights at the end with blue eyes.

"Hi!" The mysterious blonde said excitedly. "I'm Lexy, what's your name?"

"I'm Amelia but you can call me Mels" She said.

"Wow, your name is really pretty," Lexy said grinning.

"Thank you," Amelia spoked slightly smilingly.

The rest of the day Amelia and Lexy talked and hungout. They played together at recess, sat with each other at lunch. Then, at the end of the day they said their goodbyes excited to see each other again the next day. On the car ride home, Amelia told her mom about her new friend. She was so excited to have meant a friend like Lexy. She knew they were going to best friends forever.

•Present Day Hackensack•

Amelia woke up to her alarm clock. She leaned forward using her hand to turn it off too tired to open her eyes. She hit her alarm clock hard enough turning it off. She sat up yawning, she had never liked the mornings. She went downstairs to get breakfast from the kitchen.

'Mom had must gone to work,' Amelia thought not finding her in the kitchen. She decided to have herself some cereal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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