Part 15 part 2 I'm forgetting someone ~

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 OK SO I'M BACK! and for those wondering my dog is doing much better ! but anyway lets continue enjoy. 

She holds up some purple like jewel to Monty. Monty: "What is that?" Vanny: " This my friend is a breakable Jewel... You see break this open and it has this purple dust that can perhaps mess with someones mind big time.. And if it works enough it can...kill them so use this on the girl she is weak enough for it to work on her." Monty: "Kill her?" Vanny: "Yes.."  Monty: "Ok what that gonna do to Moon and Sun?" Vanny: "Well don't you see if she dies they will be so lost without her hurt weak enough to destroy them just as you did to... you know who~" Monty: "WAIT how do you about me-" Vanny: " Don't I won't tell as long as you do this for me~" Monty: "hmm deal"  Vanny: "Great see you again soon~" Vanny then disappeared Monty: 'Hm is this worth it? .... Yes That Moon face idiot  will love what's coming to him hahaha.'    

*ring ring ring ring* ugh Y/n had woken up to her alarm for work. She stood up from her bed walking over to the bathroom doing her usual routine like brushing her teeth her hair getting in her uniform putting her shoes on. She walked out to the living room to see her son leaving for school she smiled over to him as he walked out the door as a have good day type smile. She looked down at her phone to see the time and yup it was time for her to start walking to work. She walked out the door and towards work while the whole time excited to see her sweet boys. After a few minutes she got up to the Plex walking in and straight to the Daycare. She started to get more nervous and excited. She got up to those big old wooden doors and opened them walking through and to her desk putting her stuff down looking around to see where Sun might be. Soon enough She saw him over by the toys cleaning before the kids get here he was so focus he didn't even know Y/n was here already.  Y/n thought that she would pull a Sun and walk up to him and startle him. she walked over quietly and put her hands on his shoulder. He jumped and almost fell back words. Sun: "OH MY GOSH DON'T DO THAT SUNSHINE YOU STARTLED ME!!" Y/n: "Well I learned from the best~" Y/n winked at Sun and smiled. Just then Sun and Y/n looked over at the slide because of the sound of kids sliding down one at a time falling into the ball pit. Y/n walked back over to her desk so Son can do his usual  Thing with the kids. 

After an hour Y/n saw a little girl staring over at her she looked nervous like she wanted to ask Y/n something but was to shy. Y/n stood up and walked over to her and sat next to her Y/n: "Hello little one how are you doing today?" Kid: " I um Good Miss Ca-can I ask you something?" Y/n: " Sure hun?"  Kid: " Can you ask Mr. Sun  if we can play duck duck goose? Oh can you play with us too ? You are very are also really pretty/handsome too." Y/n: "Oh of course hun I'll ask him right now and yes I'd love to play and thank you very much you very sweet!" Y/n stood up and walked over to Sun as the little one followed her. Y/n got up to Sun and tapped his shoulder.  Y/n: "Hey Sunny This sweet little one was wondering if we could play duck duck goose?" Sun: " Well of course we can that would be sooooooo fun would you like to join us Sunkiss?!" Y/n: " Yes I would love too."   Y/n blushed at the new nickname she thought it was adorable.  Sun went and gathered all the kids and got everyone in a perfect circle and a little boy with brown started first  walked around got a girl then the girl went then another kid and most the time kids would choose Sun but of course he would let the win. but one of the little boys were getting upset because he would never get picked Y/n: " It's okay you will get picked soon I'm sure don't worry!" Y/n said trying to get the boy to relax tho it didn't work he just gave Y/n a look and ignored her. Soon the little girl who thought of the idea to play this went up she went all the way around and did goose on Y/n Y/n stood up and went to chase but was obviously going to let her win but as Y/n ran by the the boy upset he kicked his leg out to trip Y/n started to fall but Sun half stood up in time to catch her but since he only stood up a bit y/n ended up just falling on top of him.

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