4- "I love you, Jaime Bower."

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a/n: i hope this chapter title makes you excited!!!! let's hope it's not too corny tehe. also sorry for taking soooo long. life has been v busy recently. still love writing this when i have time!!
The next months were full of pure bliss. El came back from Seoul, with a rock on her finger at that. She met Jaime and they get along wondrously. We've been wedding planning nonstop. Jaime and I spend every waking hour together when I'm not at work. Even as El and I plan he will sit and occasionally give a thought or two. Speaking of work I got a job at a brand new library! They treat me so much better and I'm so happy. Jaime and I sleep side by side nearly every night, alternating who's bed every once in a while. We spent Christmas together. Had a wondrous snowball fight. I won obviously but that changes depending on who you ask. Spent long nights talking over hot cider or tea.
8 months after Jaime asked me to be his girlfriend El and I sit on the floor of our apartment, wedding plans strewn about. The window is open and warm April air blows in. We are speaking about floral arrangements when there is a knock on the door.
"Jaime, we're busy!" El yells.
"I've got coffee!" comes his muffled reply.
El and I share a glance and laugh as Jaime enters the apartment.
"Oh dear it looks like a tornado has come through here. Hello love." he says, and he gives me a quick peck on the mouth.
El makes a gagging motion which causes us all to laugh. Jaime's laugh is my favorite sound in the world. It's deep and bellow-y and makes anyone feel instantly home. Jaime sits on the floor by me and wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my back while I work. We all sip our coffee and El and I continue discussing wedding plans.
"Dearest I hate to interrupt, but I believe it's time to go." Jaime says to me.
I grab his wrist to look at his watch and it says half past 5.
"Sorry El. Start back up again tomorrow?"
She nods and smiles.
"Have fun on your date love birds."

The evening Philadelphia air chills me as we walk down a downtown street. His hand is interlaced with mine and both are in my jacket pocket. We pass by shops and I peer into the windows and occasionally drag Jaime inside to look at things. This is my favorite kind of date. Not really doing anything important or fun but it doesn't matter because we're together. After hours of walking down streets and going into little shops we stop for dinner. I picked last time so Jaime picks. Which basically comes down to him asking me what i want for 30 minutes until he finally decides what he thinks I want. Today he "chose" Italian. We both got spaghetti and chicken parmesan to split. I got white wine and he got red wine. It is a lovely dinner. Jaime always looks at me in this specific way.  Ever since that first day at the coffee shop. Like even if the world was ending around him he wouldn't peel his eyes away from me. In the middle of the meal he reaches across the table and grabs my hand. I look up and see that he's smiling.
"What are you so cheerful about?" I ask, sipping my wine with my free hand.
"What's there not to be cheerful about? I'm eating a wonderful dinner with wonderful wine with my wonderful girl. Life couldn't be better."
I smile and squeeze his hand. I couldn't agree more.

Even though we are several miles from home, we decide to walk rather then take a taxi. As we walk hand in hand Jaime pulls me into a hug. I look up at him.
"What's that for?"
"A wonderful night." He says, with a smile.
He kisses me and we stop walking. We stand there and kiss for like 2 minutes before someone passes us on the sidewalk and we break apart, blushing.
"Save it for later." I say with a mischievous grin.
"Yes ma'am!" Jaime says with a salute.
I laugh and we continue the walk home. The elevator doors open with a ding on our floor. We walk together, hand in hand, to Jamie's apartment door and he unlocks it with ease. The moment we get into the apartment Jaime absorbs me in a kiss. He breaks apart only to say,
"Is it later yet?"
I giggle and he kisses me again. His lips attack mine lovingly. Somehow we make it to the couch. I fall down on my back and Jaime crawls on top of me still kissing me passionately. One hand on my face the other on the couch by my head, keeping him from crushing me. The hand on my face slowly drifts down and slides up my shirt. He starts to take it off and I tense.
"Jaime- Jaime wait." I break away, and squeeze out from under him, standing up, "I- I can't do this."
He looks at me with wide eyes.
"I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean- Did I do something wrong??"
"No no it wasn't anything you did! I want you more then anything," I take a deep breath and sit back down next to him, " It's just ever since Paul..." I look down.
He reaches over and tilts my chin up so our eyes meet.
"I understand. I want you too. And when the time comes, we will have each other. I don't want to rush you." he smiles softly and gently kisses me again.
Relief floods my body.
"Paul pressured me for months before I finally gave in. And after... He wouldn't even look at me. I felt disgusting. Like I was worth nothing to him, because I was worth nothing to him. He didn't care about me. It's made me scared to ever open myself up to someone like that again."
Jaime looks at me his eyes filled with pain.
"I won't let anyone hurt you like that again. You deserve someone that truly does care about you. Sex should be an extension of love not the other way around. Im so sorry A."
I smile weakly and look up at him. His slender arms wrap me in a hug and we stay like that for an eternity. When we finally untangle, he brushes the tears from my eyes and holds my face in his eyes, looking into my eyes.
"Shall we watch a movie?" he asks with a small smile.
"I'd like that." is my reply, returning the smile.
We decide on A New Hope both of our favorite Star Wars movie. An hour later, as I'm lying in his arms watching the movie, tears start to pour down my cheeks again. Jaime notices and immediately sits up. He pauses the movie and looks at me, concerned.
"What's wrong, love?" he asks, as I sit up.
"I- I'm just so grateful for you." He clasps my hands and smiles softly, "What you said tonight meant the world to me- means the world to me. I just- I- I really lov-" he interrupts me as his lips take mine. We pull apart foreheads still touching.
"I love you too, A. I love you more then anything. I've loved you since that day I saw you in that coffee shop. And i'll continue to love you and when we are old and grey i will still love you. I will always love you." whispers.
I smile as tears continue to stream down my face. He wipes them off and holds my face in his hands. He kisses me gently.
"I love you, too." I smile.
"Say it again." he whispers.
"I love you. I love you, Jaime Bower."

uncovered - A Jaime Campbell Bower FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now