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sage has been trying to make the most of her life even if mostly all the time it doesn't work. She believes that everyone is capable of being happy and that's what she wants for herself. she wants to make the most of her life. She believes the only way of being free is by being happy and truly enjoying life.

Caleb is misunderstood, no one is ever truly there for him. He believes that all he'll ever have at the end of the day is himself only. People tend to forget that everyone has problems on their personal life's and don't understand why Caleb has been acting off. The only way of being free is by giving yourself up.


this is dedicated to everyone reading this book. everyone who has problems in their life's and hasn't giving up, who believes that it's worth living another day. I love you

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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