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Have you ever wondered how different two lives can be? Even if they were born at the same time?

Two girls were born 16 years ago in 2006, one was born one month before the other. They both grew up listening to music, watching movies, into acting I suppose. They were both gifted with the talent to sing, but sadly, just because you grew up with the same things doesn't mean your lives will turn out the same. One grew up to be an actress, starring in popular movies, writing songs and having an audience. While the other grew up and lived a normal life, going to high school, getting bullied, just an average kid's life, her dream to be in the other girl's shoes.

One night, the older girl found out about the other. She listened to her music and watched one of the movies the girl starred in, she was amazed. At twelve years old this actress, only a month younger than her, was starring in movies that she had watched time and time again. When she twelve, she blew up a microwave with garlic bread. Her name was Tori, she was the average girl. She liked Minecraft, and she had great friends, but she had a dream that the younger girl was already living. Meet Mckenna, an actor and music artist. She had an audience, shining in front of the limelight. Tori Williams and Mckenna Grace live in the same world, same age, but completely different lives.

Same World, Different Lives | DRAFTWhere stories live. Discover now