Confessions to my life

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I saw so many beautiful days in my life and in lives of other people
Through the glasses of lies and under the light of the truth.
I remember,
heard bitter words from some sugary voices and praised them for revealing their veils but some scolding shouts held the sweetest love inside I crave to hear again.
Obviously I
Stayed with so many good hearts.
lost some of them in the tide of time and some lost me in the woods of dishonesty, selfishness, irresponsibility and disrespect.
Despite this I believe,
I wouldn't be in this stage without all of them. Each of them. They made me climb up to this and they were sent to their belonged stages.

I cherished a lot of memories writing in the old pages of notebooks and pads.
To some people I remained as nothing but an old memory saved in some photos in their hearts.

I created unforgettable moments in my life.
But some moments created me.

I made thousands of mistakes
And mistakes made me "ME".

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