The death of a "god"

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Travis felt the darkness close around him as the puddle of blood on the floor started to grow and grow until he could taste iron in his mouth and the liquid filled his lungs, he was drowning now.

"Travis!!!! TRAVIS!"

He half-opened his eyes to feel a firm hand on his shoulder, being shaken slightly. "Travis!" He blinked a few times to see his dad, sat at the side of his bed, still shaking him. "Travis get up we're leaving" and with that, he got up and walked out of the room, closing the door with a loud bang behind him. Travis sat up and checked the time on the clock by his bed "2:48" the numbers glowed on the screen in a bright red light illuminating the room in an almost blood red lighting, he wondered why he was woken up in the middle of the night but he knew he would get no answer and it was too much of a risk to ask.

He rubbed his eyes and pulled his itchy, thin blanket to the side then stood up to make his bed. He threw on his usual purple sweater and just wore the yellow tracksuit bottoms he slept in before opening his door to go downstairs. His dad was stood at the door with a large bag.

"Took you long enough," he said in a stern tone as he beckoned Travis over "come. We're leaving!"

Travis walked over, looking at his feet and fidgeting with his hands. He stood in front of Kenneth and Kenneth shoved the bag into his arms "take this" travis took it without hesitation, still looking down. When he did, Kenneth hit the back of his head, quite harshly "and look at me when i speak to you, boy!"

Travis immediately looked up at his father, at his red eyes which practically glowed with anger, his clenched fists. Everything about him was so similar to himself. Kenneth nodded "good" he said, patting Travis's shoulder to which he flinched, then Kenneth opened the door.

Travis followed his dad to the church, holding the bag the whole way. They eventually got there and Travis was practically shoved into a room, it was like a normal dressing room but the same black robes were on every wall. He grabbed one and put it on quickly, then waited for his dad. Soon after, people filled into the room grabbing robes and putting them on until they were all off the walls.

a hooded figure in the same robes came into the room. All the other people filed out but when Travis followed he was stopped by the person.

Travis flinched. The figure placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at him, not particularly sure who it was but he could see that they were smiling.

"You stay with me for a little while, we'll meet with your father sooner or later" travis nodded

"Yes sir" he mumbled as the hooded figure began to walk towards a door, a large, wooden door which he opened.

Most of the night consisted of Travis being shown around rooms and instructed about then and what happened in them, always with a smile on his face as he was talked through the different places. He was very intrigued by the temples, the architecture, the history. Everything made him eager to have it as his own, everything made him love being there. The tour ended in a large room, Kenneth stood with people surrounding him.

"There he is. Travis!" As he spoke he gestured for Travis to come stand next to him which he did,the person who guided him joined the other people.

"This, we so believe is the day. The day that we will succeed in bringing the demon forth into out mortal plain" Kenneth's voice boomed around the mostly empty room as it echoed. "Finally our goal will be achieved and everything shall go to plan!"

Everyone watched in intrigue and excitement including Travis.

Soon a chant was started, Travis didn't know what was said as it was in some other language, most likely Latin but he joined in as he knew what to say. The lights began to flicker. The room became dark for a minute or so and when the lights turned back on, there would be red eyes that seemed to flicker in an almost glitch-like manner along with a black shadow that climbed the walls. The lights flickered more and turned off again but through all the chaos and confusion the chant continued, the same phrase repeated. The red-eyed shadow stopped behind Kenneth, the lights flickered more and more. Quite suddenly screams of pure agony could be heard besides Travis. He looked over at Kenneth and he started to mumble his chant, the whole room was drawn to the attention of the situation and eventually it went silent. Travis's eyes filled with tears as he stared at the ground, stared at the body of his father. His robes drenched in blood, his mask smashed, a hole through his stomach. Dead.

"N-no.. NO! NO NO NO!!" Travis screamed, he was about to crouch down, to hug Kenneth's body and although he could see that it was hopeless he just wanted to know if there was any way, any way at all he could save him. Before he could he was grabbed on the shoulders, he could feel that it was multiple people that held him back. He elbowed and hit out, Trying to get them to let him go but they dragged him out regardless. He fought and screamed to go back but he was locked alone in a room.

He took his robe off and threw it, tucked his knees to his chin and hugged his legs as he began to cry, he cried more than he ever had, cried more than he did for his mother even. His breath was shaky and heavy, he felt like he was going to throw up, his heart was in his throat. He couldn't get the image out of his head, the blood clogged his thoughts and he had knots in his stomach.

He was left in the room for a few hours and still hadn't calmed down, he listened to the commotion outside, heard people going back and forth figuring out what to do. The hooded figure that showed him around opened the door and stepped into the room.

"I'm sorry, he's dead" his voice was completely monotone, no sympathy in the way he spoke. He watched as Travis turned his head to look at him properly with red and puffy eyes.

"W-what... what happened...?" Travis stumbled over his words and wiped his eyes.

"We dont fully know, guess the demon just.. felt like someone needed to die"


"Calm-" the person by the door began before Travis cut him off
"I said, calm" this really sparked Travis's anger. He stood up and shoved whoever it was to the ground. He looked at him, it was one of the stupid council members. The red haired one, Herman. Travis couldn't care less who it was. He kicked him, yelling to never say stupid shit again as he stood on his hair. He kicked him, and kicked him until he watched him bleed, until he watched him cry and beg for mercy. Until he watched the light fade in his eyes. He stood over him and stared down, his vision red with how angry he was. He kicked the lifeless body once more as he heard the door creak open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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