The Deal That Changed Everything

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In 1972 when John Eric Winchester returned to Lawrence, Kansas, the last thing he thought of was romance. He was broken and tired. He had seen and done things that left him scarred. Yet he could not stop moving forward, he had to do something with his life. Even though he had no idea what that was. His mother was worried about him, and in truth, she had every right to be. He was lost.

Although John and Mary had attended the same High School, they never really spoke. Mary was the girl who got good grades and kept to herself, while John was the boy who did sports and kissed girls under the bleachers.

The night they officially met John attempted to save her life from a robber. It was dark and he had just finished drinking his last beer for the night. If he stayed at the bar any longer, he would end up starting a fight with someone. He was not a violent person in general, but his patience was not at a high level. He sauntered out of the bar and heard the sound of someone shouting. He turned the corner and saw a girl and a masked man. The masked man was holding a knife toward her. John acted instinctively and rushed toward the man. He punched him in the head from behind and kicked him in the stomach.

John kicked the knife out of the way as the guy got up and ran away.

As John turned toward the girl he recognized her vaguely.

"I did not need you to rescue me, John Winchester. I am not some damsel in distress."

"A thank you would be nice. Since I just saved you and all that."

"What? You want me to fall all over you? I did not need or ask for your help."

She turned around to leave and he yelled after her.

"Wait! Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Everyone knows your name and your reputation. We also went to the same high school jerk. The name is Mary Campbell and next time you want to play at being the hero, just don't."

When John and Mary first met each other, they hated or rather loathed each other. John did not know Mary in High School as she was not exactly the type of girl that ran in his circles. Mary did not know him either, but she heard about him. A player and a jock.

Years later when she met him again she had no intention of being another notch on his belt. She did not have time for a relationship, not to mention how dangerous it was to bring someone into her kind of life. If she was going to date someone, it would have to be someone that knew about hunters.

Her brother had just recently died during a solo hunt in Greenville, Illinois. It was a devastating loss to the family and Mary could not bear the thought of losing someone else.

Mary hated hunting; she sought to have a normal life so that she could be safe and raise a family. This caused endless tension between her and her father. It is strange that years later her younger son, Sam Winchester, would have this same desire to have a normal life. He was very much like his mother. Her stubborn nature and her good heart.

Nonetheless, the heavens intervened and soon after they officially met, John and Mary, fell in love. With John, Mary could see herself having a normal life, and this drove her father insane. Samuel did not approve of their relationship because he believed John to be a guileless civilian, which was very much the case in many aspects. Though Mary loved John dearly, she had no intention of telling him about the hunting life. She would leave with him the first chance she got.

In October of 1972 after aeons of searching, the Prince of Hell, Azazel, who was loyal to Lucifer, found the gate to Lucifer's Cage in a convent in Maryland. Azazel killed several nuns to communicate with his creator who told him that he needed to free Lilith, so she could break the 66 Seals to his cage setting him free. He was also instructed to find a "special child" to kill Lilith and destroy the final Seal, and for Lucifer to use as a vessel.

As a counter to this, the angels in heaven advised a plan, if this were ever to happen, for a vessel to be born strong enough for Michael, who would then destroy Lucifer.

Azazel, still looking for Special Children to turn with his blood, appeared in the town of Lawrence, Kansas in 1973.

After Mary and John had been dating for a while, unbeknownst to her, Mary met the future version of her firstborn son, Dean. She noticed him following her and John on a date, and violently confronted him before he revealed that he was also a hunter. She then took him back to her house, where he had dinner with her family despite Samuel's distrust of him.

A reluctant Mary worked a case with her father and Dean. They learned that Charlie Whitshire had unwittingly made a deal with a demon in order to protect his father from abusing his mother. From Charlie's description, Dean realized that the demon in question was Azazel, who had killed Mary in the future. Dean made her promise not to leave her bed on November 2, 1983, the night she was supposed to die.

When she learned that Azazel was targeting a friend of hers named Liddy Walsh, Mary and Samuel intervened, in the process inadvertently drawing Azazel's attention to Mary due to her skills and courage.

John Winchester had no idea of this, of course, the biggest thing he had on his mind, was which ring to choose and when he would "pop the question".

On April 30, 1973, John bought a 1967 Chevrolet Impala second-hand at "Rainbow Motors" after being convinced by a stranger named Dean Van Halen to choose the vehicle. What John was unaware of, however, was that Dean was his and Mary's future son, Dean Winchester. Named after Mary's mother, Deanne.

Mary was terrified by the demon's interest in her. What if it caused the deaths of those that she loved?

She spent time with John to try to clear her head. He always had a calming effect on her and she was contemplating telling him the truth. Would he not be more prepared if he knew?

John was a nervous wreck for a different reason as they drove in the newly bought Chevy. There was a lookout spot where they had their first date. He planned to set up a romantic picnic and to ask her under the stars. In the end, he was too nervous to wait for the perfect moment.

While he was in the middle of proposing to her, her father Samuel, who was possessed by Azazel, interrupted. He killed John and then revealed that he had also killed her parents, devastating Mary. Her worst fears had come true. He pressured her into making a deal for John's resurrection and her having a normal life; in exchange, she granted permission for him to enter her house in ten years.

Dean tried to prevent Mary from making a deal with Azazel by retrieving The Colt to kill him. Unfortunately, Dean arrived too late to stop her; and was returned to his own time by the angel Castiel. He knew what the deal meant, unfortunately, Mary did not.

Thus the deal was struck that would cause her death, Sam's damnation and the suffering of her family.

Cursing them to a life and death of hunting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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