Same old story, different me

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Same battle
Same worries
Same desperation
Same struggle

Pensé que había pasado ya,
Pensé que había madurado ya,
Pensé que tomaría mejores decisiones ya,
Pero vuelve y vuelve a lo mismo.

My once best friend, once again falls for the same old trap
The same trap that's kept him away

Lejos, en el aire

Not knowing
Not learning
Not growing

And me, once again, I dig up my old self
Reacting according to what I see,
En vez de according to the One I believe in

And after a long fight en mi mente, I was reminded:
"If I did it before, trust that I'll do it again, but this time, te toca mostrar my love.
Compassion is what I've called you to."

And it's hard
It's hard to be the one to stand en el medio
Porque they just see you fighting
But never realize it's them who you're fighting for

But God sees
God knows

I know it's not a lost cause
Porque está en las manos de Dios

Solo que, esta vez, I'll learn to be still and trust.
In God.

Más papel y más tintaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora