Chapter 1: Diet

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   Kipper wolves do fancy all sorts of fish but considering what they like is almost completely endless. They mostly prefer a fish that is nearly as large as they are. But they would have no problem carrying the fish in its strong and powerful teeth. It has been documented by officals that a group of those wolves can easily maneuver a motor vehicle with only their teeth! Even with these capabilities, fishing by themselves is a chore. Their best tactic is to stay perfectly still until a fish swims nearby. These wolves aren't very big either, so a big catch would throw them around a little unless there are more nearby.

   It has been documented on the inventor's manuscripts that these wolves also love clams and mussels. As one of our investigaters has indeed given the wolf a large clam, it began to look around and whine desperately. The wolf smacked the clam about as if it were trying to open it, but then gave up. One of the men nearby had then thrown a small flat pebble near the clam. The wolf perked its ears then began to run over. It picked up the rock then hit it against the clam shell multiple times. Once the clam was opened, the wolf stuck the pebble between its under arms and then consumed the prize inside the clam. This discovery had astonished us as we had known that the common otter would do this sort of behaviour.

   As for their hunting grounds, they prefer a more freshwater area than saltwater beaches. This would be more to assume that they were more accustomed to inland water fishing. There were only a few Kipper wolves that were documented that desired to fish at the sea coast. However, as most of these wolves do live inland, they will consume saltwater fish. It is currently the neighbourhood fish that they desire more than actually hunting. Here is a small note for homeowners with an outdoor pond or fish enclosure to take the proper precautions.

   If at all possible, please get a very tall fence. That is the best option possible to keep these pests out. If you cannot get or own a fence for whatever reasons unknown, relocate the fish out of those enclosures or put some sort of cage over your pond. If you heed these precautions, then your fish will be safe and the wolves can properly hunt.

   Here are some listings of fish that Kipper wolves love to eat:

Spotted Dogfish
Bull Huss
Black and red Bream

   Another mention is to never disturb a Kipper wolf as it is hunting. As they might become aggressive as if they feel like their food source is under threat. There is no documented Kipper wolf attack yet.

   Next chapter we discuss packs.

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