The Upper Deck

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After the encounters with the unknown figure, things went in normal again as if nothing happened. For how many months, they didn't bother my nights again.

But deep inside my mind, I knew it's NOT YET OVER and something worse might come at any moment.

In our room, we had two double decks. Since we were only three in the room, the upper deck where I used to sleep served as our extra space to place some of our things.

One gloomy night, I woke up because of a heavy movement on the upper deck. It was unusual since nobody was occupying the upper deck. And so I thought it was just a big rat (what on earth a big rat would create that movement in the first place). I just closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

Another movement caught my attention and this time heavier and louder.

I checked the other deck to see if one of my friends transferred. But they were soundly sleeping (as if no heavy and loud sound was heard).

I ask myself if who was there on the upper deck.

Though the room was gloomy, the light outside the room gave enough vision to me to see the silhouette of the things inside the room.
I just hoped that the things will not get worse.
I took the deepest breathe that I could.

Suddenly, something fell - a book.

The book fell for no reason. The book was not moved by a big rat. Lastly, the heavy and loud noises were not because of what I thought a big rat.


The Sixth SenseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon