shoto x uki

775 27 56

( these take place different months and days of the year! )
saturday, december 12th, 2022
summary: uki and shoto are just enjoying the day together, drinking hot chocolate and laughing, maybe cuddling to :)
uki x shoto
beep beep beep! the alarm went off, it was 7 am, uki quietly got up and turned it off then turned to see shoto, they were both in their christmas attire, shoto wearing a reindeer hoodie with black shorts and short white socks, uki wearing a snowman hoodie and grey sweatpants, with short white socks. shoto laid there asleep with his hair covering his face, little pieces of his hair laying on his cheek and sometimes going by his eyes. uki put his hand on top of shoto's hair, he lightly played with it, feeling the softness of the boys hair. he gently wrapped his arms around shoto's chest, not wanting to let go of the sleepy shoto next to him, wanting to feel his warmth and hug him.

he grabbed shoto's hand and placed it in his, he brought it up to his face and lightly kissed it, he loved showing little signs of affection sometimes, even if shoto didnt know it, he still loved doing it. uki placed shoto's hand back down onto the bed. shoto started to move a bit, startling uki as he moved his hands to adjust to shoto's new position in bed. shoto moved his hands holding them around uki's arm and put his head ok uki's shoulder.

uki tapped on shoto's shoulder, 'shoto, darling wake up'
he nudged shoto a tad bit, not wanting to startle him awake, but still wanting him to subtly get up.

shoto started to blink, his eyes adjusting to the new found light. slowly opening his eyes he brought his hand up to his eye and started to rub them as he tried to turn onto his back, feeling uki's arms wrapped around him he started to take them off of him and flip over to his back. 'ukiii? are you awakee' 'mhm' 'oh' shoto turned to his side to face uki, his hands laying down by uki's chest, uki putting a hand on shoto's waist, resting it there til shoto says something.

'what.. what time is it?' '7:16 am' 'its seven?' 'yes love its 7.'
'i wanna stay in bed though.. its so warm here' uki laughed to himself, he smiled at shoto, he always thought he was adorable, this just proved his thoughts. 'shoto darling, you cant sleep forever..' uki ruffled shoto's hair. 'yeah yeah whatever..' shoto got up and sat down, he looked over to uki 'can i have a kiss now?' uki smiled, he got up and sat down next to shoto, pulling his waist closer to his, merging his and shoto's lips together, feeling the warmth of his lips touch his, he gently pulled his waist closer and pulled his lips apart from shoto's, as he pulled away he heard shoto whine, feeling the loss of touch from uki.

'here, i'll make us some hot chocolate and we can cuddle on the bed, is that okay baby?' 'mhm' 'okay, stay here and i'll be back with the hot chocolate!' 'ok :D' shoto smiled as he saw uki walk away and into the kitchen, sure he knew he would miss him even if he was gonna he gone for 5 minutes, but thats shoto for you. as uki walked into the kitchen, he grabbed to mugs, one snowman mug for him, and a santa mug for shoto. he grabbed the hot chocolate packet and poured it into the mugs, he then went to go pour the hot water into the mugs, the first one being his then shoto's. he grabbed a spoon and stirred it in the hot chocolate.
he then waiting a minute for them to cool down a bit, then went to the cabinet and grabbed a jar of marshmallows and placed some in the hot chocolate.

he then walked over and placed the jar of marshmallows back into the cabinet and walked to the fridge and grabbed the whipped cream, he shook the bottle and took the cap off of the bottle and spray it into the mugs. he picked up the cups and brought them over to the room, he placed down the mugs at the side table.

after uki was done setting down the hot chocolate he went back to him and  shoto's room, seeing shoto sitting down on the bed holding a bear plushie cuddling it into his chest. uki let out a calm sigh seeing the boy, he laughed to himself thinking 'he's so cute' he then started to speak up by saying 'shoto, love, the hot chocolates done!' shoto's face lit up hearing him speak, he quickly tossed the bear to the side and went over to hug uki, he was practically crawling on the bed over to him. he jumped up off the bed and hugged him, uki loved the newfound touch, he put his hands on shoto's hips, pulling him into a gentle kiss. 'love you shoto' 'love you to uki' they hugged once more then sat down at the bed side by side of eachother. uki picked up the santa mug and handed it to shoto, then picked up his snowman mug and started to drink out of it. shoto took a sip and as the liquid went down his throat it left his tongue burning, he quickly put the mug back down and covered his mouth with his hands, squinting his eyes from the burn. uki looked over and realized what happened, he set down his cup to and went to ruffle shoto's hair 'did you burn yourself love?' 'mhm..' shoto nodded in response. 'maybe a kiss would make it betterrr?' uki said in a playful tone smiling, shoto opened his eyes a bit and moved his hands from his mouth, he pointed at his cheek 'here' 'you want me to kiss your cheek?' 'yes' uki chuckled at that response, he put a hand on his face and leaned in and kissed his cheek, making sure to do it a couple times then pulling away to grab the hot chocolate again. uki went to take a sip, when he had finished drinking it he had looked over to shoto to see if he was done or not, shoto looked at him and started to laugh a bit to himself. 'huh? whats so funny?' 'your nose.. you have whipped cream on your nose' shoto said through his laughter, uki feeling embarrassed as his face turned into a tinted red, he quickly put his hand on his nose and swiped it off.

after they finished their hot chocolate uki had got up to take the mugs back into the kitchen and put them into the sink to clean later. he then walked over to shoto and kissed his forehead, leaving shoto blushing a bit from the sudden action, uki then sat down and wrapped his arms around him, feeling warm by shoto.
hope you enjoyed this :D
word count: 1183

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