(Chapter 10)(He made me swear)

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(Chapter 10)(He made me swear)

(BG's p.o.v)

I watched Timberlyn chase after her mother on her little legs. I wished she knew I was her daddy. Maybe she knew already and didn't think about it. "So does she know I'm her daddy?" I asked Remi quietly. "No, she doesn't , do you want me to tell her, BG she's barley 2 she's not gonna understand." She says. I sighed and looked at my daughter. I had missed way too much already. I saw my daughter look up at me with my own eyes . It killed me, how in hell did something like me make something as beautiful as her. Remi picked Timberlyn up. It was just us and mom at home. Remi pointed at me . "You know who this is Timbo ?" She asked our daughter. She looked at me, like she was actually thinking about this.
"Braylee". She says at an attempt to say my name.
"No that's your daddy Timberlyn ." Remi says. I smiled at my daughter. "Daddy". She says she seemed confused by this. "Yep that's daddy". Remi says. "Daddy!" She says reaching for me. I smiled at her and took my daughter into my arms.

Later that night

I laid on the couch with Timberlyn almost asleep on my bare chest. I rubbed her little back. She was in nothing but a diaper. She patted my tattooed chest. She looked at my tat that read respect. She laid her head back down on my chest and put her little hand on my arm. Remi walked in and kinda hid behind the door frame thinking I hadn't seen her. I saw her smile, at the sight of my daughter asleep with me like this.
Kolby came in there, he went to take Timberlyn. "No, quit she's sleepin". I say. He rolled his eyes. "What'd ya do finally wanna come home and play daddy". He says. "Maybe I did". I say. "You know it's just gonna make shit worse Brant, you'll still leave them, just like dad left mom". Kolby says. I chose not to fight him, especially since it could put my baby in danger. I sighed. "I'm taking her to bed, and then I'm taking her mother to bed." "If you get my meaning". I say. He was right on my heels the whole way to my bedroom of momma's house. Soon I'd buy my own house. Then I'd live in peace with Remi and Timberlyn .
I walked into my bedroom to see a naked Remi. "Damn". Kolby says as Remi put my old shirt on fast, that was laying on our bed. I shoved kolby outta my room.
"You keep you fucking hands off her Brantley, you hear me!!" He yelled. Remi rolled her eyes. "How long is he gonna keep this up, what the hell is his problem." I asked. "He's just aggravated that I told her who you were and that you were her dad". Remi says. "Well I am her dad, what the he did he want to happen me leave, never come back, him pretend to be her dad and get to fuck you, what the hell was he thinking". I say.
I looked at her. She seemed nervous. "What?" I say.
"Nothing". She says. "He took you to bed didn't he, he fucked you !" I say. "Shhh you'll wake her up, and he made me swear not to tell". She says. "He made you swear... Wait did you want him too?" I asked. "Well no I didn't, but/
I cut her off. "He raped you!" I yelled. Timberlyn cried from my yelling that had woken her.
"B please!" She says trying to stop. "The bastards gonna fucking die!!" I growled.

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