Chapter One

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Marceline Pov:

"Hey, hey! Wake up!"

I frowned slightly as I felt some shaking my shoulders in an attempt to wake me up, and slowly opened my eyes to see a female around my age with blonde hair, a white shirt and blue jeans with black sneakers.

"Good, you're awake. Come on, there's somethings you need to know." She said, as she stepped back so that I would have enough room to stand.

Quickly jumping to my feet, my hand quickly flew to the hilt of my sword to make sure it was still there, letting out a sigh when my hand came in contact with the hilt.

Following the female to the campfire, I took in the people who surrounded the fire. I took a seat next the blonde as she started talking.

"Okay, first things first, introductions. My name is Laurie Strode." Said Laurie, when the male with black hair and glasses spoke up.

"My name is Dwight Fairfield. Nice to meet you." He said, offering a small smile. I sent him a small nod.

"I'm Claudette Morel."

"David King."

"I'm Feng Min. Nice to meet you."

"William Overbeck."

Nodding my head, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a notepad, and flipped to the first page before handing it to Laurie, who read what was written out loud.

"My name is Marceline Evergreen. Well it's nice to meet you Marceline." Said Laurie, as she handed me my notepad back.

"Welcome to hell, newbie." Said William, as I looked at him with frowned brows, before Dwight spoke up.

"Everyone here was chosen by a being known as the Entity to participate in a game of survival, where we have to survive different serial killers, while repairing generators in order to open the exits." Said Dwight, as I listened carefully to every bit of information I was given.

"Since there's a new survivor, that also means that there's a new killer." Said David, as Feng looked at me.

"Did you have any encounters with a killer or knew of one that creeps around your town?" She asked as my hands clenched, having a very good idea on who the new killer was.

Pulling out a pen, I quickly wrote down what I knew, and handed it to Claudette.

"The Demon King Muzan. He's famous for slaughtering thousands and turning the surviving victims into demons. I met him when he showed up at my home during a snow storm and killed my mother and my younger siblings, leaving me and my older brother as the only survivors, before we met again years later, where he killed my brother." Said Claudette as she gave me a look of sympathy.

"You said he turns surviving victims into demons, so doesn't that mean that your a demon?" Questioned William, as I nodded my head and to prove it, I let my pupils turn into slits and some of my veins popped out against my pale skin.

"Shit, she wasn't kidding." Said David, as I relaxed, letting my pupils return to normal and my veins fade.

"Hey, I noticed you have a sword strapped to your waist. Can you use it?" Asked Laurie, as I nodded my head, before standing up. Taking a few steps back, I drew my sword revealing a red blade.

Settling into a stance, I took a breath.

'Sun breathing fourth form: Burning bones and summer sun.' I chanted in my head, as I unleashed a large circular slash as flames emitted from the katana in my hand, creating a beautiful image, that left the others in awe.

"FUCK YEAH!" Shouted David as a look of excitement appeared on his face.

"If you can do that and with you being a demon, the killers will never know what hit them!" Said Feng.

"We'll see just how far his immortality goes." Said Laurie.

"And maybe, just maybe with you here..... We'll be able to find a way out of this place and back home." Said Claudette.

Looking at them as they talked amongst themselves, I decided.

'I'll do everything I can to get them home.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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