Introduction: Slaughter Island

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The stories of Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna (dubbed Site B) have already been told, but somewhere between Isla Matanceros to its North and Isla Sorna to its south, in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, just located two hundred miles west of Costa Rica placed in the Muertes Archipelago (also known as Las Cinco Muertes in Spanish, The Five Deaths in English) lies an unknown island waiting to be discovered.

The third and largest island of the Las Cinco Muertes Archipelago, Isla Matanceros (dubbed Slaughter Island) is shaped roughly like a bent triangle with "flat" north and south shores, a generally convex western shore, and a concave eastern one

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The third and largest island of the Las Cinco Muertes Archipelago, Isla Matanceros (dubbed Slaughter Island) is shaped roughly like a bent triangle with "flat" north and south shores, a generally convex western shore, and a concave eastern one. The island has no tall, mountainous remains from any of its three ancient, extinct volcanoes. However, sheer cliffs and a few steep, isolated mountains are scattered across the northern and central areas of the island.

The name given to each aisle from the island chain were from an ancient Native American myth about a brave Mayan warrior who had faced a different execution on each of the five islands - such as burning, drowning, crushing, hanging, and lastly, beheading. They had Mayan temples in ruins with colorful illustrations of the executions that took place on each island in the myth. The artwork by this ancient civilization was documented by German scientists in the book called Die Fünf Todesarten - meaning The Five Deaths. The names of the island alone keep local fishermen away through superstition and fear. Translated roughly: Sorrow Island, Slaughter Island, Death Island, and Stingy Island do not look like the best places to be. However, the name of Site B translates to something along the lines of Sarcasm Island or The Island of Irony. Out of all of its neighboring islets, these particular lands appeared to be the most mysterious and in reality the most deadly.

Throughout its history, the island itself had a few interactions with humans that ever came close to the isle.

First was when Costa Rican fisherman heard frightening calls of the island's habitation similar to the Gigantopithecus, a genus of ape from the Early to Middle Pleistocene of southern China. The terrifying distant cries of this familiar primate have been heard by the fisherman and they would leave the island immediately.

What mystery holds surrounding this strange new island? The only way to find it is at a place that they call... "The Hidden Island."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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