Chapter 3 • Ari

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(WARNING: Extra unnecessary detail because I'm just like that.😝)

"Hey, good morning, how you feelin'?" I hear someone say standing over me. "Like I got hit by a truck." I respond opening my eyes to see boo. "Ok well lily made breakfast get dressed and come downstairs." He says kissing my forehead and leaving the room. I look around and I'm in my room. Good thing we moved everything in before we came. I roll over and tuck myself under my blankets feeling warm and comfortable, but before I can fall back asleep I hear another familiar voice say, "Mornin' AJ c'mon get up, or I'll drag you out of bed." He pulls my covers off and smiles down at me, but I just pull them back on and roll over. "Noah go away, you know I'm not a morning person." I say. "Fine then I'll eat your breakfast." He says in a teasing tone.

"Noah I swear to the gods!" I say jumping out of bed. "Haha, ok I won't, I won't." He says pulling me in for a hug. "Ok now get dressed and c'mon." He states walking out of my room. I grab my clothes and head into my bathroom. I take off my tank top and observe the damage from last night, it's not too bad, though I cut it close that time , I put on my black button up with my favorite hoodie over it. I take off my shorts and replace them with tights and skin tight ripped jeans. Finally I lace up my shin high boots and head down stairs.

"Well, well, well look who's back from the dead." Oliver says sliding a plate to me. "Literally." I respond. "These breakfast burritos look amazing lily, thank you." I say smiling at her. "Good, I know how much you like them." she says hugging me and sitting down.

After breakfast I walk back up to my room, grab my favorite book and walk out onto the balcony, as I'm reading I feel like I'm being watched, I look up and see a huge black wolf with dark blue eyes lurking by a tree in the woods that border our house, he's staring up at me and he doesn't move, mom steps out onto the balcony holding my nephew "Who's dat?" She says stepping toward me when I look back at the woods the black wolf has disappeared into the shadows of the trees. I grab my book, mark my place and set it on my bed. I take Niko from mother and I play with him for a while on the balcony. I take Niko inside to warm up and close my sliding door. When I get downstairs I hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I say handing Niko to lily and walking to the door. "Um, hi?" I say to the girl on the porch. "Hi!, I'm kade. I'm your neighbor, I live in the house up the hill with my brothers." She says smiling. "Oh, cool, um, I'm Ari and I live here with my family." I say feeling kinda awkward. I invite her inside and we walk up to my room. "Wow your room is really nice!" She exclaims, she seems very hyper. My phone chimes, when I check it, it's my childhood friend Damion aka "buggie".

'Hey how was the move?'

'It went well but I waited too long to take my meds again.'

'You gotta make sure you're taking them you know that.'

'I am but I gtg my neighbor's here. Ttyl. Love ya.'

'Love you too.'

As I'm setting my phone down kade looks over. "Who's that? A boyfriend?" She questions teasingly. "Ew, no, It's my childhood bestfriend we call him buggie." I say. "No way! You know buggie?!" She asks excitedly. "Yeah, we grew up together until he moved out here." I respond kinda shocked. "I go to school with him." She gasps. "Are you going to school with us?" She asks. "Yeah. That's cool." I say as she hugs me. "Gimme your phone." She says releasing me from her bear hug. "Why?" I ask handing it to her. "I'm giving you my number, why else." She says as she types. Finally she hands my phone back to me smiling. "Ok well I better get going before my parents send out a search party." She says hugging me. I walk her to the door and give her a hug goodbye before walking back up to my room and taking a nap.

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