Will/My bf<3

17 1 0

Imagine Will telling you how he feels because he trust you and yes you both are dating


"I just feel comfortable telling you this and anything really I feel really safe with you I trust you a lot"

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"I just feel comfortable telling you this and anything really I feel really safe with you I trust you a lot"

"That makes me really happy you trust me" You say taking his hands in yours

"But you know what?"


"We can go crazy together" You say smiling at him widely

He smiles "Yeah, crazy together"

You both stare into each other's eyes and lean in

You both share a loving kiss.

You both pull back 

"Thank you..."



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A/N: HEYYYYYYY I hope you liked this give me a comment if you did you don't have to but it would make my day if I knew someone told me they liked it but it's fine if you don't heh

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