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It was well after our starting time so I was praying that Malik wouldn't show up.

I just couldn't face him. Yes I like him but I can't even bare to think about the possibility of hurting him once he finds out about me. The real me.

But when I saw him enter the library I wanted to say I was disappointed or annoyed. In reality I was happy. Simply talking to him made me happy.

"Uh hey Naomi, listen I'm sorry about yesterday it won't happen again, but can we stay friends"

"Yeah uh of course. I'm really sorry about slapping you. Like really. I'll make it up to you I promise"

He chuckled a little "I'll hold you to that"


Honestly I wanted to be more than "friends" and I think a small part of her did too. Just something was holding her back.

I couldn't fishies it out no matter how much I thought about it.

We were eating lunch in the break room when I opened my bag to get my lunch. I guess I was being to aggressive with it and my pills fell out.

Yeah. Pills. The type of pills I don't want anyone to see let alone the girl you like.

And to my luck they fell right by her foot. She picked them up and quickly glanced at it. I was embarrassed. I just didn't want to share that type of stuff with her.

I grabbed them from her and shoved them in my bag and ran. Yes I ran. Yes I run from my problems. Antidepressants aren't really a green flag to a girl like Naomi.


Malik ran after he saw me read the label. I just. I recognized the shape of the pills. The exact pills I swallowed for months. I couldn't help but stare a little.

I wanted to tell him that I get it. I understand why. But before I could he ran.

I needed somewhere to think so I walked to where I always pondered.

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