Bubbles and Sumo

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Holding the cup of coffee, the Barista asked Sumer. 

Tanie looked at him. His eyes crinkled at the edges like they always did whenever he had something naughty to do. He was going to do something right now too. She could tell from the way he cast a long, suggestive glance at Lavanya. 

He grinned. "Bubbles."

Tanie frowned. What did it even mean? She had spent so many years with him but had never caught on that joke. Was it new? Was it a private joke between Lavanya and him? 

It was because Lavanya was asked her name the next. She flashed a similar smile at Sumer and said, "Sumo." 

Tanie's heart sank. Anger flared. Rajkumari was a better nickname she thought. 

Then she almost laughed. She had drowned in anger too when she had misunderstood Sumer to be in love with his writer. She had hated him for so long that the possibility of him moving on for real had never really crossed her mind. So much so that when she dated Karan, she didn't think of Sumer and his choices. No. She had chosen Karan over Sumer. She didn't think of the heartbreak it would give to Sumer. She had just confessed her feelings to him and then she moved on to Karan? Perhaps, his friend was right. She was not worth Sumer.  

Sadly, her relationship with Karan had hit troubled waters. They could no longer have a civil conversation. They were always fighting. She could no longer put up with his childish, man-child demands. 

Who was she kidding? 

She was jealous. Whenever she saw Sumer and Lavanya communicate with their eyes, play out their perfect chemistry and have a mature conversation in front of her; she felt like having all that as well. Her mind always took her back to the time she and Sumer were a couple like that - deeply in love, mature but so playful. She missed the peace she felt in that relationship. 

"I will play nice songs. Wait and watch!" Sumer declared as he took the passenger seat, his voice shaking Tanie out of her thoughts.

They were on a road trip to Pune from Mumbai and had stopped at Starbucks for a quick coffee break. They were on their way to meet a reclusive producer who lived in Pune for co-funding the movie they were now making. She had thought that it was going to be a fun drive but it was quickly turning into a nightmare considering the third wheel treatment she was getting from Sumer and Lavanya. 

Sumer impishly turned the music on and a crass Tum toh there pardesi filled the confines of the car. Lavanya made a face. "Sumer! Change it or I am not driving."

He proceeded to laugh and play a dozen more ridiculous songs before they finally hit the road again. Tanie sighed. She drowned it all out. 

"Oye Tiny! Want a sip?" Sumer waved the cup in front of her face. 

She pursed her lips. "No. Thanks. I am off sugar these days."

He laughed at her. "Really? Aur kitna patla hona hai tujhe?"

Lavanya hit his arm. "Hey."

Sumer chuckled again. He stuck his tongue out and mumbled a sorry. "Okay. I am woke now. No body shaming. No choice shaming."

Then he looked at Tanie. "Yas kween! You do you. Don't eat sugar."

"Weirdo!" Tanie shook her head with a fond smile. She missed him. Everything felt so easy with him. She could call him names and he knew how to take a joke. Unlike Karan...

She sighed again. Resting her head on the seat, she stared out of the window. Why was everything so complicated? Why couldn't she have one good dating experience? She cringed. She had. He was sitting inches ahead of her and making heart eyes at a woman who accepted him unlike her. She had missed the bus. The red haze was back.  

Without meaning to, Tanie spoke. "Sumer. What do you think of a person who falls in love too quickly, gives too much attention and get attached quickly?"

Concerned, Sumer turned around in his seat to look at her. She shuddered looking at his questioning eyes but concealed it quickly. "I am searching for a story. I just want to know what a man thinks." 

"Ah!" He nodded and turned around. "I don't know. It's weird though. I can never fall for someone too quickly. Remember how long we took to even become friends?"

Tanie smiled. "Yeah." 

Those were good days. Those were good memories. She was going to cherish them forever. 

Then she glanced at Lavanya. She didn't mean to but saw green for a few seconds. "Lavanya, what do you think about your partner having a dear friend of the opposite gender?"

Both of them cast a knowing look at each other. The feeling of the bus leaving her back intensified. She had missed her chance with Sumer. 

Lavanya smiled as she looked at her through the rearview mirror. "Uhm, to be honest, I don't mind it at all. I think love is a part of your life. Moreover, I cannot force my partner to change his lifestyle overnight. He must have a life before me too. It's unfair to expect them to change."

"What Bub..." Sumer started to stopped himself from saying the nickname aloud. "What Lavanya means is if it is a healthy relationship, no one will mind it. It's actually a blessing to have a good friend. Gender is inconsequential."

Tanie absorbed it all. She thought of the day she had signed this project with Lavanya and Karan had thrown a hissy  fit over it. He knew that Sumer would be around and wanted Tanie to back off from it.  

"So if we were dating and I was best friends with Karan, would you mind?" She thought out loud. 

"No." Sumer replied. 

Tanie rolled her eyes. "You did mind when I was with Kabir." 

Sumer argued, "Because he was off from day one. I knew it instinctively."

Lavanya looked at Tanie. "Yeah. Just like how you knew about Laika."

Tanie was a little taken aback. "You know about Laika?"  

"Of course." 

The petty side of Tanie got the best of her and she snitched on her best friend. She told Lavanya, "You know what? He was like a dog with a bone with her. He just couldn't get enough of her."

Instead of the anger Tanie was expecting, Lavanya reached out for Sumer's hand and kissed his palm. "I am sure! He was so young back then." 

Then they both started to laugh leaving Tanie confused. She quipped, "What? What is so funny? Why are you two laughing?"  

"Dog and the bone reminds me of the time Sumer got sick..."

"Hey!" Sumer glared at Lavanya. "We aren't sharing that story with anyone. Stop right there." 

And then there was laughter again. Tanie sat back. The feeling of loss deepened in her stomach. She had lost. She had lost the chance to be the love of Sumer's life. But what hurt the most was that she was no longer Sumer's best friend either. He was never coming back to her. 

She looked at Lavanya. Her spot was gone. 

She had lost her Rajkumari.     

She lost to Bubbles. 

And in it all, she lost her own Tiny.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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