Chapter 2

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Sana Pov

I felt my jaw drop in shock as he looked with a dead-ass serious expression "W-WHAT!?" I yell causing people to look at us which causes the guy to cover my mouth "Heh sorryyyyy everybody please go back to your own business" He tells everybody "Shhhh I don't mean like actually marry me just a fake marriage for a few weeks" 

I speak muffled because of his hand "B-But I don't know you" he uncovers my mouth and wipes off his hands as he laughs awkwardly "Sorry I forgot to introduce myself" He clears his throat "I'm Kwon Y/n" He does a little bow in his seat 'Huh that name seems familiar' I think long and hard causing an awkward silence between us until it hits me "Y-Your the famous mafia boss right?" I whisper he nods "B-But why do you need a fake marriage?" 

"Well it's because the other people in the family think someone who isn't married shouldn't be a leader for some dumbass reason and well I saw an opportunity when you came along," he says all that with a smile somehow "So do you say yes?" "I-I don't know can I think about it?"

"Of course, I'm not gonna put you on the spot like that" "Thanks so do I need to give you my number?" I ask he laughs slightly "Um not tryna sound weird but no need I know where you live so I can just meet you," he says 'That is fucking weird' I thought with a blank face "But if you don't mind would you like to  join me to a fancy party tonight not as my wife but as my plus one?" he asks sweetly causing me to blush "S-sure and since you know where I live might as well pick me up" 

"Alright sounds good I pick you up around 8?" he asks while gathering his stuff up and I start gathering my stuff also "Sounds good also," I say smiling as we head out of the shop he opens the door for me again but this time I notice how tall he is and his toned figure 'Gawd dawm' I thought as I pass him I step a little bit away from the shop and I turn around to see him looking straight at me as I blush once more "W-what is there something on my face?" I ask

He looks away "N-no sorry" I can't help but giggle softly to myself he starts walking and I soon follow him "So is there anything I should specifically wear?"  he thinks long and hard "Uhhhhhhh nope just dress nicely" he smiles and I give him a thumbs up "Well I should be getting home now so I'll see you tonight,"  I say "I'll see you later and don't forget" he replies as he leaves and I watch him until he turns a corner out of my sight 

I sigh "That was interesting I should go get a new dress," I say to myself then I leave for the store

Time Skip 1 Hour

I hold up my bag of clothes I got as I walk to the front door 'I got a lot more than I planned' I sigh loudly as I reach for the doorknob until it bursts open showing Jihyo "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" she yells blasting my ears out "S-sorry I got caught up in shopping" I cover my ears as she sighs worried "We all were worried when you were gone longer than 2 hours" "I'm sorry" I say "It's ok just warn us next time" Jihyo says as she heads back into the house and I follow closing the door behind me 

The sound of the door shutting caused 7 heads to pop up from the couch the others look at me and then to the bag I'm holding "Let me guess you got busy shopping" Momo says smiling as I nod shyly "Well show us whatcha got" Dahyun says excitedly causing me to sigh as I take a dress out and they all Oo and ah "What's the special occasion?" Mina asks with a teasing smirk "Just a fancy party" I reply "WITH WHO!?" Jihyo yells and pops her head around the corner of the kitchen causing everyone to jump "JUST A GUY I MET AT THE COFFEE SHOP" I yell back "Did he know who you are?" Tzuyu asks and I shrug causing everyone to sigh 

"Anyways I gotta go get ready for the party" I run to my room and I close the door and lock it then I place the bag on my bed "Jeez my poor ears" I hold my head until I take all the dresses out that I bought then I start trying them on until I find the one I like the best then I head to the shower

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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