Lavender Lover

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Every time I look into her eyes I see the stars. She's so beautiful and smart and I can't believe that she's mine. After all this time and after the tragedy of what happened with Misty, I never expected Delia to feel the same about me.

I look at her like she's the moon; her radiance and serenity bring me joy and peace even in my darkest times. This coven is my home. These witches are my sisters. I found the place I truly belong in. And I still can't quite believe that I have the privilege of calling Delia mine.

"Y/N are you ready yet?" Delia calls up the stairs. We're going to the store to buy some seeds to plant in the greenhouse. I love flowers and plants. They remind me of the inherent beauty of the universe. Mother Nature is kind and loving to all that worship and care for her. Looking at the petals of a sunflower reminds me that everything filled with nature's life is beautiful; it reminds me that humanity is beautiful. Rushing down the stairs towards Delia, I'm amazed by how strong and caring she is. Of all nature's creations, she will always be my favourite.

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