part 19. Will

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I meet Max and Mike as we're running towards the west wing bathrooms, that's where Dustin said he found the creature.

When we get there, Dustin is standing outside of the stall and Lucas is already here.

"Well, where is it?" Max asks

"I- guys you need to see this" Dustin responds

"What?? Is it here or not?" Mike asks, pushing me to the side

I watch as he inspects the stall, his face turns into a sour expression...Max and I turn to each other and walk up to the stall. It's only the shedding of the creature.

"So that means... it got bigger? And now it's gone." I ask

Dustin nods while Lucas walks from the stalls to the sinks.

"God, I wish this shit would just stop happening," Lucas says

A slam interrupts our thought, it's a closing door. We walk outside the restrooms and stare down the hall. Mike comes up behind me, grabbing my arm as we walk forward.

His hand is hot.

I hear running, loud running. I look at Mike,

"Stay here guys, that can't be the creature." He whispers to us

"Actually I named it Dart." Dustin says quietly

"You seriously named it??" Lucas asks

"What was I supposed to do? Calling it the creature was getting too har-" Dustin gets cut off

"Shut up!" Max whisper-yells

The running sound finally gets close to us, and to my surprise...

"Steve Harrington?" Mike yells


We stay standing in the hallway.


"I KNOW, THAT'S WHY WE'RE HERE!" Dustin yells back

We all look at Dustin, he shrugs.

He runs up to us, looking at Mike.

"Nancy told me to come pick you up a few days ago yet I open the door and that thing comes running out! Then it chased me around outside!" Steve says to Mike while trying to catch his breath

"SHIT. It ran outside??" Lucas says running toward the door

We run towards it while Steve asks why we're going towards it rather than running away.

When outside, there is no sign of Dart anywhere. Dustin inspects the ground while Mike and I stand over by Steve.

"I swear I'm gonna tell your sister about this. That thing has to be illegal!" Steve says

"Like you don't do a bunch of illegal shit." Mike responds

"Hey, don't cuss." Steve responds

My mind is completely out of it. The last hour has been a complete blur.

"Guys... I think I found something." Dustin says

We walk up to him, eyes on the ground. My eyes meet a trail, slime at first, but slowly merging into paw prints. Dart grew.

"We have to find El! She's the only thing that can stop this." Mike says

"She's the reason it started!" I say back

I think. It may also be me but that's a conversation for another day.

"Mike is right, if that thing turns into something even bigger, we need El to beat it." Lucas adds

"I mean, I'd like to meet her." Max says

"Uh Hello? Who is this 'Elle' girl??" Steve asks

"Oh god, I forgot you were here. Wait...why are you here?" Dustin questions

"Guys, we need to get going." Mike says walking towards the woods

"Hello no. If you need to go somewhere, get in my car." Steve states

"I wouldn't mind a ride, my legs kinda hurt." Lucas says

Are we seriously bickering about this?? Hello?? A monster that has literally killed insurmountable people is on the loose and it's our fault. But sure, let's talk to big ol steve about his car. I mean, I wouldn't mind a ride from him but like. No, you know what-

A car door slamming interrupts my thoughts. Everyone is already in the car...

I get in the back seat. Max is in the middle seat, Lucas next to her. Dustin has taken it upon himself to sit in the trunk while Mike sits in the very front next to Steve.

We've been driving for no more than 3 minutes when Dustin tells us to pull over. I swear he has some third sense. We hop out and Dustin starts running towards wherever.

"HEY! COME BACK HERE!!" Steve says while following Dustin

"God. Why is he even here?" MIke says

We're all walking as Steve and Dustin get farther and farther.

"Hey, look over there." Mike says pointing towards the left

"Whoa. Cool cabin." Max responds

"Wanna walk over to it?" Lucas says

"Uhm, No..? Why would we?" I ask

"I doubt anyone lives there anyways, it's totally run-down." Lucas responds

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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