The Campsite

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I heard a familiar voice yell my name. I turned around to see my husband running towards me. "Shane!" I yelled running towards him. I jumped in his arms. "Oh honey, I'm so glad you're okay!" He said into my hair. I know what your all thinking, Shane Walsh is my husband. That's right I'm Rachel Walsh . We caught up on everything. Well Andrea kept looking at me funny. "She has a thing for Shane." Lori told me. "Well he's already taken." I said. I missed him. We were so happy to see each other again that you probably know what happened. Later that night I woke up in Shane's arms. I had woken up to rustling outside our tent. It was probably just the wind. I snuggled into Shane's chest more. He was so big and warm. That morning I got up, ate breakfast and helped with the laundry. We were all talking about what we missed. "I miss my house." I said. "Why is that?" Andrea asked. "Well I was a math teacher, but I also was an interior designer, before the world went down." I said. "Oh, so I bet your house was so cute!" Amy said. "Yeah I loved her house. She did my house." Lori said. "Cool, no wonder you miss your house." Carol said. "Yep." We kept talking about what we missed. But back to the point. Why I am on laundry duty is because we have jobs at the camp. Laundry is mine with Carol, Lori, Andrea, and Amy.

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