Part 1/Chapter 1

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                   It was 12:10 pm at the Hunter's Creek Highschool, where three 10th grader girls walked over to their normal lunch spot upon the roof, with their lunch trays. 

                  The normal topic of gossip was upon the young girls' minds as they sat down. Just recently, a large fight had taken place in the cafeteria last Monday between the Principal and Ms Harpens (the 11th grade math teacher.) The fight had unfortunately happened in front of the entire school. It was the top gossip of the week and probably for the next month, everybody was talking about it. And to make matters worse, it ended with Ms Harpens leaving or what the students have been saying, 'Firing herself.' And so far, the Principal hasn't even made a move to replace her. This led to the entire 11th grade being free of one class, this meant that these three girls were off a class each day. For, they all were ahead in their math. Two of these girls were overly content with this, the other not so much. She was that one kid that was heartbroken when Ms Harpens left. Math was her compassion, it kept her away from reality, it distracted her from the everyday hardships of Highschool life.

                "Oh, stop your pouting, Rae! Math class will be up and running again real soon, sadly." A girl named Silvie answered, trying to comfort her younger sister.

                 "I know... But, there was a test coming up! And she left!" Rae complaned.

                 Sage choked in disgust. "Sorry, but really?! Tests are the worst. Ugh, I can't understand why you're sad about THAT." Sage waved her arms around in annoyance.

                "Phhft, you'd never understand my love of math, even if I explained everything I love about it. You'd still not get me. At least I have one sister that does. Right Silvie?" Rae mumbled out.

                 "Wow, you just threw me into that argument... But, yeah. Now, I suggest that we change the subject before it ends in a fist fight. And if it does end that way, I'll video it all. And make it dumbly dramatic." Silvie laughed.

                "You idiot." Sage teased and elbowed Silvie in the ribs playfully. She laughed and then set her attention back to her lunch.

            "Well," Rae said after a three second silence. "Are you signing up for the school after classes?"

             "Mmm? Oh, yeah. I signed up for the painting and sculpting classes." Sage answered dryly. "What are you signed up for? Don't tell me extra math classes.." Sage glared.

             "Phhft, no, remember that Ms Harpens is gone, therefore no extra math classes. Anyways, I've made up my mind to try out that fashion class and hopefully the archery class too."

            "Oh, wow, but you do realize that you've just invited yourself to a 'social club' basically. Are you sure you can handle that kind of crowd?" Silvie asked, surprised, after all, Rae was the kind of person who would get way too overwhelmed by large crowds.

             "Yeah, I'm figuring out my limits. It will be an adventure, upon the vast reckless sea of my emotions, but an adventure it shall be!" Rae replied as heroic as possible.

              "Woah, that was poetic-." Sage answered amused. "It was good, may I quote that?"

               They all laughed.

              "I guess," Rae replied, "If you want to."

              "This sandwhich s suver good!" Silvie exclaimed between mouth fulls.

              "I know right! They're some of the best sandwiches the cooks have ever made," Silvie agreed.

              "I can't believe you guys eat meat," explained Rae, "It's disgusting."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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