Chapter 80: Seventh Year Five ☾

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A/N: Hey everything I know its late but here is an update


Harry and Draco scanned the air above the pitch. The two other chasers on the team were practicing drills while the beaters flung bludgers at the keeper. Green eyes flickered between the teammates toward the golden snitch.

"Found it," the boy-who-lived called, raising his hand.

"No fair," his blond friend whined.

"You did say first to find the snitch wins."

"Yes, but…"

"Are you two boys running a Quidditch practice or competing to see who's the better seeker?" Hermione asked, walking up with Siria on her hip.

"Can't we do both?" Draco quirked his brow.

"Shouldn't you be practicing chasing?"

"I can't focus on checking form when I'm in the air."

"And you can when you're actively searching for the snitch?"

The blond glared. "Don't try to bring logic into this, Mione."

His girlfriend sighed. "Well, it was worth a shot." She readjusted the babe in her arms. "Have either of you considered what we're going to do with the Hufflepuff cup?"

"I thought Dora was working on it," Harry said, eyes fixed on the sky.

"She's currently focused on questioning the other aurors about the locket." Hermione rolled her eyes. "Besides, she can't do everything for us."

"What do you suggest?" Draco asked, crossing his arms. "I barely have free time as it is. I have quidditch, a potions internship, six N.E.W.T. classes, and still need to take those stupid uni entrance exams."

"For the last time, dear, they're not entrance exams. They're exams to see if you could handle uni."

"Whatever. They're still stupid."

"I'm free after practice," Harry said, quirking a brow. "I believe you are, too."

"When does it end?" Hermione asked, balancing the baby on her hip.

Draco glanced at his watch. "'Bout five minutes."

"Are you suggesting we go now?"

Harry shrugged. "Better now than never."

"Do you currently see a problem with that?"

The two boys stared at each other. "No," they said in unison.

"Of course," Hermione glared, "because everyone takes a sixth-month-old on a bank heist."

"Oh, yeah."

"If anything," Draco pursed his lips, "it makes us look even less suspicious. I mean, no one would think we're dangerous."

"But who is she posing as?" Hermione asked, shoulders slumping. "We can't give polyjuice to anyone under three. It stunts growth."


"Why in the world would Siria Black be going to Gringotts with Bellatrix LeStrange?"

"She won't be going to Gringotts with Bellatrix LeStrange."

"You mean to tell me," Hermione's eyes sparked, "that I made Neville risk his life for nothing?"

"What the…? What did you do?" the boy-who-lived asked, mouth dropping.

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