Pt 1. Introduction.

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Hi! This book will contain stories from my life, my morals and lessons I've learned, and of course, MEH FANGIRLING. Anyways, here are the majority of the books and shows I like

Book series I've finished

Wings of fire

Diary of a wimpy kid

Wolves of the beyond

Dork Diaries

Junie. B. Jones (A long time ago though)

Book series I've partly completed

The Avatar books

Front desk

My weird school


Judy Moody

TV series/movies I've completed



My Little Pony (Loved it then, kind of like it now)

Sing 1 and 2

The Babysitters club (Though, I was kinda distracted at times when I was watching it)

That's all for now! Bye and thanks for reading

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