Hypnotic thud

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He goes to school and follows his school routine as usual. He takes the bus, which goes on his way to his school, after going down follows the short route alone. Entering the school goes towards his room, thus passing through the corridor where as always there were whispers and some noisy conversations of his classmates, and students from other rooms.. When he arrives in his living room sits his wallet, as always in the last row near the window. Where he liked to admire the landscape of a tree that contained a bird's nest, in which he seemed to really admire watching.. He follows his routine as usual, returning home, and still worried not knowing how the bruises had arisen on his body. He goes to his room, picks up his clothes and towel so far into the bathroom, looks in the mirror and sighs throwing his hair back, pulls the amulet on which he was on his neck, being covered by the school blouse. And admires the beauty of it that still seems to act with hypnotic effect on you, making you not have the courage to take it even to take your bath.. After bathing he prepares an instant noodle, eats it at the small table in front of the TV, watching a movie that was still passing on, after that brushes his teeth and goes to his room to sleep.. Another day the alarm clock rings and again, wakes up with your body sore..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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