4 - Chrissy's death

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The hole must have been big enough, because one second I was in my house and the next I was falling. I fell to the ground, landing on my legs but quickly falling over. I was unable to stand after what had just happened, I was dizzy and my whole body felt numb. After all, I had just been possessed by that monster and lost all control of my mind and my body. I started crying, sitting up and feeling my body all over once I felt control again. The music was still going, I looked up to see Eddie on the ground as well. He looked afraid, he was backed against the wall and was trembling. I grabbed onto my knees, crying into them and trying to focus on the music that was playing on loop. Now I knew I hadn't been going crazy, something was after me and the only way to stop it was the music. Eddie saved my life by doing the simplest thing, playing his favorite song.

After a few minutes of crying, I heard Eddie move, my head jerked up to make sure I was still in the real world. Closing my eyes wasn't so bad, but opening them terrified me, who knew what I could open them too. I watched Eddie crawl over to the radio, about to turn it off.
"No!" I shouted. "Please Eddie, the music is what brought me back." I said in a whisper, he heard me but not very well. He rubbed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled deeply.
"How the hell is this possible?" He said, emphasizing the word 'hell'. I shook my head in response, to frightened to try and explain it all. Once he saw the expression on my face, he knew I had experienced far worse then just floating up to the ceiling. Eddie crawled over to me grabbing my face gently. 
"Tell me what happened, Y/N." He said, I knew he wanted to help. So I sat there for the almost thirty minutes explaining to him what really happened in the bathroom. I told him about the clock and how the lights started flickering. I told him what happened when I floated, how the music brought me back to the real world. He believed every word I said, he even seemed a little scared himself when I described what the monster had looked like. 

"I'm scared, Eddie." I cried, he took me in his arms and rubbed my back. I relaxed, my breathing going back to a normal pace. "How about that beer?" I said, sniffing before letting out a short laugh. He nodded, me and him both needed a drink after that. I felt a lot better, for someone who almost died at least. Eddie stood up, helping me up with him.
"Are you hurt?" He asked, looking me up and down for bruises or cuts. 
"Just a little achy." I admitted, my bones felt worn out and my muscles felt like I just ran a mile. My legs were a bit shaky, but once I started walking they stopped. I followed Eddie into the kitchen and we grabbed two glasses and two cans of beer. He first put in scoops of ice cream at the bottom of the glasses, then adding the brown liquid slowly so it wouldn't overfill. 

"Wa-la." He said quietly, handing me a glass. I could tell making the drinks took his mind off of what happened. The music was still playing, Eddie had even pulled a pack of batteries out in case the stereo died. I sipped the drink, the nasty flavor of beer hitting my tongue. Not even a second later, the ice cream made the bitter taste much sweeter. I licked the foam off my lips and smiled at him. 
"I like it." I said, reaching my hand out to his face and wiping the foam off his upper lip. He smiled back at me, his head jerking suddenly towards the door. 
"Somebody's here." He told me, a moment later someone started violently knocking on the door. I jumped at the noise, grabbing Eddie's free hand with mine and hiding behind him. Eddie had saved me once, I was sure he could again. 
"What if it's, Jason." I mumbled. 
"Go in my room, Y/N." He whispered, I nodded and without hesitation took myself, the stereo, and my beer float to his room swiftly. I closed the door and sat against it, listening to him talk to a familiar voice. It sounded like Chrissy, but why would she be here? I waited for a few more minutes, moving away from the door when I heard someone knocking on it. Eddie came in and smiled at me.
"Don't worry, it's Chrissy, your friend. She needs something to take her mind off things." He explained, it was obvious that something was drugs. I didn't expect Chrissy to ever want drugs, but if she needed them then I wanted to know why. I waited with Eddie, holding the stereo as he dug through his things. 
"Ah! Here it is." He said, kissing the little baggy and turning to me. I was surprised with how easily he could go back to acting normal. But then again, he only saw me float, if he saw more he probably would be a bit more traumatized. He walked out of his room, I followed him, running into him when he suddenly stopped in place. 
"What's wrong?" I asked, I couldn't see whatever he was seeing because he blocked my view. 
"Whatever happened to you, it's happening to Chrissy." He mumbled, I walked in front of him, eventually running to Chrissy when I saw her in a trance exactly like I had been in.
"Music! We need music!" I screamed, putting the stereo on the ground and grabbing Chrissy's arms. "Pop music! Eddie do you have any pop?" I cried, he stood there shaking his head, what was I thinking. Obviously Eddie didn't have any pop music in his house. I began to panic, she didn't have much time and I knew this from experience. I watched as she began to float, turning up the stereo. Maybe metal could bring her back, I hoped that it would. 
"Chrissy come on!" I screamed, Eddie stood beside me and held my hand. She was in there too long, she was floating way longer then I had been earlier. I turned to Eddie, closing my eyes and hiding in his chest. I only looked back at Chrissy when I heard the cracking of her bones. Me and Eddie screamed in sync, he once again fell down in fear and pulled me with him. The worse part was watching my best friend's eyes completely cave in. I couldn't believe what I was watching, this would've happened to me and it still could. I hid my face once more when Chrissy hit the roof. And suddenly her body went quiet, hitting the ground with a thump. I looked up again, looking at her lifeless broken body on the ground. Her jaw had been ripped open and her eyes were just completely gone. I crawled over to her, crying her name as if she wasn't so clearly gone. Eddie grabbed the stereo and grabbed me by the waist, dragging and pulling me out of the trailer. He put me in his van and started it, slamming the gas pedal as he backed out.

Eddie was going way over the speed limit, and I was sobbing dramatically. Well, not dramatically, I had just watched my best friend die violently. The song was still playing and everything was loud and scary. I understand why Chrissy wanted drugs, and I couldn't help but feel guilty that I had survived that cruel monster and she didn't. The van pulled to a sudden stop, I looked out the window to see a small house by a lake, surrounded by trees. Eddie got out of the car, I turned the music down and wiped my eyes.
"Lets go hide, please." Eddie begged me once he opened the back doors. I was crying still, just less loudly. I nodded, taking the stereo with me as I climbed out the van. Every time I blinked I saw Chrissy's dead body. I wanted to hide too, even if wherever I went the monster went too.

The house was Eddie's drug dealers home, he told me he would hide out there sometimes. We ended up hiding in the boat shack, Eddie had gathered batteries and water and we were sitting in the far corner of the small building. The song still played and it was kind of getting on my nerves, Eddie said he would switch it to a new song in the morning. He told me he had hundreds of metal songs in his car. We sat in silence now, huddled up against each other.

"I'm scared." I whispered, Eddie looked down at me and frowned.
"It's my fault, Y/N. I should've had at least one pop song. I could've looked for one. Why can't I be an open person who likes plenty of different genres." He rambled, he was scared too. It wasn't his fault, but he also had survivors guilt, just like me.
"It's not your fault Eddie. You saved me. You saved me.." I whispered before laying on his chest, I cried myself to sleep, as did Eddie. He tried to hide it but I could hear his breathing shift and I felt his tears fall on my cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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