Chapter 3

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Ransom was really pissed at his parents. He knew that if they found out about you, your marriage would be over. Every girl Ransom has dated has left him shortly after meeting his parents. They were really good at destroying their son's love relationships.

When Ransom met you, he knew that he should protect you from them. Not only you, but your baby. The doctors told you not to stress too much since this was your first pregnancy and you were only 3 months along.

You were currently hiding in the guest room together with your grandma and you were scared. You made sure to lock the doors since who knows what his family can be up too.

You knew you did the right thing when you heard the sound of the door knob...

You heard a woman on the other side which appeared to be Joni, Ransom's aunt. Ransom told you a lot about her. She was married to Neil until his death and the couple had one daughter, Meg. Meg and Ransom never got along, neither was he in a good relations with Joni.

"Be quiet" you told your grandma quietly, afraid that Joni might hear you. Your grandma looked at you and you can tell that she was worried about you. "Y/n, relax. It's gonna be fine." your grandma said, trying to make the situation better. You looked back at her smiling. She pulled you into a tight hug to help you calm down even though she still does not know that you are carrying her great grandchild. You remembered what the doctors said so you were slowly calming down, for the baby's sake.

Meanwhile with Ransom and Harlan

Ransom was lying to his parents for the first time in years. He wanted to protect you as well as his baby. Ransom was also very worried about you and hoped that you were not stressed or anything since it was not good for the baby.

Ransom's eyes widened when he realized that Joni was nowhere to be found. So, he stopped talking to his parents and rushed upstairs.

He immediately saw that Joni was trying to get into the guest room. Ransom grabbed her arm and took her down stairs."Ouch, that hurts!"Joni screamed at Ransom. You could clearly hear that she was faking it."Everybody get the FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" Ransom screams at his family before kicking them out.

Ransom rushed upstairs to see how his pregnant wife and her grandmother were doing. He knocked on the door, giving you a hint that it was him. He immediately pulled you into a tight hug. "Are you okay honey?" Ransom asked his wife while being worried for her and the baby.

You looked up at him. "I am baby but I think we should tell them." you said.

Your grandma and Harlan looked at you confused.

"Is something wrong?"your grandma asked. "No, grandma, nothing is wrong. Me and Ransom invited you over for dinner to tell you that me and Ransom are having a baby"

Harlan and your grandma stood there looking at you with a happy grin on their face.

"Oh my love that is amazing" your grandma said. "I can't believe that you are not little anymore" your grandma said with tears in her eyes. You looked at her with a smile and tears in your eyes.

"Congratulations, I can't believe it. I am gonna be a great grandfather." Harlan said excitedly while looking at you and Ransom proudly.

You looked at your husband and began smiling. You could not believe that you are gonna have a family of your own.

The next day you and Ransom decided to do some baby shopping. Even though you still did not know the gender, you still bought a lot of gender neutral clothes.

You loved watching Ransom picking up the outfits for the baby. He was definitely going to be the best dad in the world.

Ransom was also really excited for your next doctor's appointment. You were going to find out the gender. Ransom did not pretty much care what gender the baby would be, but you know he desperately wants a boy.

He wanted to be a better parent than his own. He would do anything in the world to make your child happy. He will protect it at all costs.

Ransom was lost in his thoughts while looking at the baby section until you approved him. "Do you think that we should discuss the names?" You asked. Ever since you told him you were pregnant, he began writing down names that he thought would be beautiful. He made a list for both girls and boys.

"Okay, do you have any in mind?" Ransom asked while smiling. "I do actually" You said while looking at your husband, smiling. "Okay, tell me about it" Ransom said. He could not wait to hear what names you thought about. "Well I was thinking that if it's a girl, she should be named Valentina. If it's a boy, he can be named Luca." You said while looking at Ransom. Ransom really liked your choice.

Ransom could not say all the names, so he gave you his name list. Your heart melted when you saw that your husband made a name list for your baby.

You and Ransom later left the boutique with two bags full of baby clothes and accessories and drove home to eat dinner.

What you did not know was that your mother in law was right across the street in her car.

"I see him and he is out with her again" Linda said through the phone while talking to Richard. She then started her car and followed you...

𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝒯𝑜 𝑀𝑒 ❀ Ransom DrysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now