can you move in with me

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"me and him as been together for two years now, before i accepted him I told him I was a virgin and I want to remain like that till my wedding night..he said his fine with it that he love me for who I am not for my body and I believe him,who would have thought that he would later ask for it..when he told me I refused,I told him if he really wants it he have to marry me"Sam explain and continue

"But he refused he said his not ready for marriage,I said it's okay but I won't give him my body..he got angry and told me he won't disturb me about it time goes on he didn't bother me about it again,not knowing he was already getting it outside,still yet I didn't ask him about it when I know,next month was supposed to be our wedding...when he told me he wants to see me for something in one of our favorite spot....and that was that day everything happens"Sam explain with tears,she still can't believe that next month that was supposed to be their wedding,it was not with her but with someone else

Max stood up and went to her side to comfort her.

"It's okay, don't worry you will soon get over it..I understand how you feel,but why do you say you want me to have sex with you?"max ask

"Yesterday,I got a msg from him, telling me that what I deprived him of he must come to get it no matter what,so I don't want him to disvirgin me please..I rather give it to someone else not after what he did to me"Sam said with tears

Max feel bad for her,but he can't have sex with her,he wants to marry her..he doesn't know what to do.

"Can you move in with me?"max ask

"What!!!?"Sam ask looking confused

"My place is fully guarded, don't worry I won't touch you okay,we will stay in different rooms,i won't let him hurt you"max said

"Thank you so much"sam said and hug him

"It's okay,go and arrange your thing's let me make a call"max told her

"Okay,I will be fast with it"Sam answered

When Sam went inside,max took out his phone and call his mum to tell her he wants the other estate that was under his name now.

"Okay,you can come and have the keys"Mrs Williams said

"Mum I will be there in an hour"max answered

"Okay, take care"Mrs Williams said and end the call

Max went inside to assist Sam in arranging her things.

"Just take your clothes alone,other things you need are there"Max told her

"Okay,if that's the done"Sam replied

"Okay let's go then "max said

The arrange her thing's in his car and they drove off not knowing that someone was watching them secretly

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