Author's Note/Disclaimer

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It has been a while, my cubs!

I've had so much going on since my first year of college that I haven't had much time to write for Wattpad, but it's motivated me. As previously said, @JoseiNoKoe, with whom I had been in the same class for a semester, motivated me to continue writing. She assisted me in resuming my writing career. I am amazed by your kindness and support. I will post the chapters of this book as soon as possible for the benefit of all of my readers. The languages utilized here will be English and Filipino, with translations supplied at the conclusion of each chapter for English Wattpad users. And I hope you enjoy this story, but please be aware that it contains some spoiler alerts.

Until the next chapters my cubs!




This fan story and its characters are entirely imaginary. Certain long-standing institutions, agencies, and government offices are referenced, but the personalities are entirely fictitious. Except for my own OCs, I do not own the series' original characters. And the cover that will be used is from Pinterest to provide inspiration for the plot.

link of the photo:

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