Chapter 1

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See You Again: by Tyler, The Creator
(Episode 1)
    The story of I and Sapphire:

Tough Love
* * * *
I was just a chill dude on my own. I wasn’t anything special. I was usually on my own because I found it hard to relate with people. And I also struggled with opening up my full feelings to people. Probably because I’m the new transfer student.
    That’s why in university I spend most of my time by myself. I don’t hate people, I just feel like for the most part, others aren’t that interesting and the ones who are, I usually miss them.
But not this time, unfortunately for better or for worse.

Her name was Sapphire. We saw each other sometimes but hadn’t appropriately met just yet.

    I had just gotten over another girl, who did not like me at all and finished crying over it. The funny thing is that girl never knew but we’re still as close as can be.

Like it never happened.

Anyways, after I had gotten over my former crush, I was determined to not fall in love again.
         I chose my words correctly. I said “fall” in love. The word fall to me makes it sound accidental ...Up until now, although I’d hate to admit it, that’s how it was.
  Each time I fell in love, I’d look at the “good side” of whoever it was and ignore the red flags and I’ve fallen too many times and got my heart broken multiple times to allow it to happen again.
So I’d toughen up my heart. I can’t just fall for anyone.
  That’s where Sapphire comes in.

Like I said, we saw each other a few times before we formally met. I noticed she was alright in terms of appearance, nothing I haven’t seen before. Cute I guess but not really interested.

She asked me where I was having my next class at From there, we realized we had the same class and began to walk there as we asked typical first meeting questions.

Like I said previously, nothing special. My mind wasn’t there. It was just normal and casual. She also seemed somewhat reserved like me. She didn’t react with others during the class, as I obviously didn’t. I’m so glad I didn’t have to introduce myself because that would certainly have been the most awkward and cringe situation ever.

I could’ve pulled it off though but I have a bad history of messing up social interactions when I overthink about it too much.

After the class, however, after most of the students have left, she came up to me and asked about my name.

She was staring dead into my eyes and almost made me feel anxious. Almost...I told her and packed my things and left. That was kinda rude, I know. It would’ve been nice if I asked of her own name.

I’m just glad she didn’t take it wrong at least I think she didn’t. Well it didn’t appear like she did because after a couple more classes she came up to me once again.

This time she asked for my number. I was shocked because we hadn’t talked much in person so now that she wants to talk over the phone seems odd to me.

I gave her of course, mainly for running off that last time. Not sure if she is in her feelings or just wants to be friends.

Girls are never straightforward like we guys. You can tell our intentions from the beginning but with girls you’ll probably never know unless they tell you. So she had my number so obviously I couldn’t communicate until she texted first. That wasn’t really on my mind of course.

      I was too busy dealing with all this work I had to catch up on. Apparently, since I did not start the school session at the same time as them, there are a few extra assignments and classes I needed to get through.

That meant I had more on my plate than what others had.
   So I was busy going through some of the assignments, one by one until at around 9:00, she texted me. She said hey. It was sudden and out of nowhere. I wasn’t sure to respond to it or leave it until later.

Did she just want to chat a little before dozing off? I wasn’t really in the mood of having a conversation with all this work on my plate.

But what if it was something important? What if it had something to do with the school work that could actually benefit my life? The only way to find out was to indulge in a little conversation.
    And just like that, we were going back and forth like two master ping-pong players. She actually seemed pretty cool. We were basically learning more about one another and telling cool jokes. It was pretty fun.

During the chat, I even forgot about the assignments; that was no longer on my mind. She even laughed that I didn’t know her name.
  She said it was Sapphire: a pretty dope name. She told me she first heard my name from someone else which was creepy. Sapphire was giving off vibes that she wanted to know me as much about me as possible as she kept asking personal questions.

Whenever I tried to ask stuff about her she would just give a casual answer and not a detailed one like I was, as if she wanted to know a lot about me without me knowing about her. But things get weirder. Out of nowhere, she asks,      

        “would you ever fall in love with a girl like me?”

I stop. I am now out of the trance. I put down my phone. I look at the assignments I have yet to finish. What?Just like that? She didn’t play it smooth at all. I know guys like me are dunces, but we would automatically get what she’s trying to do in this situation. I waited ten minutes to respond.

“Who knows, it depends.”

She diverted from the topic and started asking different questions and whatnot. After some time, I told her about my assignments and she backed off. We told each other goodnight and we both went offline. I was still shocked. What’s her deal? She obviously likes me.

Credits to Chu-Chu.
。◕‿◕。For starting a chapter he didn't finish. Much love though for letting me.

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