Chapter 2

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*The Story of I and sapphire*
Episode 2(All the love I had saved)

***Trevor Daniel -Falling ***

Was I thinking about that question?
Was my mind constantly drifting to sapphire..
Cause I didn't know... I felt that the question could actually maybe mean many things. I began to analyze it, maybe she was asking about my preference in girls...and used herself as an instance, Maybe she Was interested in me and wasn't sure if I would like a person like her. I was so confused. Dude. Chill...I spoke to myself. That was on a Friday, the day we both chatted. Now today being Saturday, I was waiting for her to text me, I don't really know why though. It was already afternoon but she hadn't sent a text.
You should know why I was feeling quite well..
On edge, it was because she was online. I tried to chat her up, but I couldn't.
     Trying to get my assignments done, my thoughts drifted to her. I think I maybe sick though. I am the type of person that's more thoughtful than social and I prefer to be on my own most times, but I wasn't an introvert, I wouldn't call myself that...I just well I don't know.
       It was when I was almost done with my third assignment that I received a text. It was her... sapphire.
  I opened her chat and saw a picture of my hostel. She typed. "It's this your hostel?, Come out, I'm outside". I was shocked...yes it was my hostel... but hell she was outside...I changed my clothes quickly and rushed down the stairs. There she was.. leaning on a wall waiting. I greeted her. And she smiled.
   "I was bored ...I wanted to ain't busy are you?"
She asked me nicely...
"I'm not at all" I lied.
We kept walking then I made a comment that I just came newly and I didn't know everywhere in school. She laughed.
"When I came first...I took my self on a solo lost and found my way back,...why don't I show you around?"
     I smiled.
"Sure you could"
She took me to the school's library...each classes, the various departments and so on..
I wasn't tired walking with her. It felt unusual cause I hated walking around but then she made me have fun actually walking.
     We decided to buy some Ice cream and sat around the Universities love garden...(I still don't know why it's called a love garden though) and there we talked.
      "School's like an escape plan for me you know?"
She told me. Well I asked the expected question.
There was silence...
She answered my question with a question.
" Why are we are born into families that act contrary to what we wished for...."
I thought about the question, I had read alot of books concerning why's ..self help books to be precise, I just decided to give a lucky guess.

   " Everyone is put on earth for a purpose, They are either given to us by God or we create one for ourselves,
Maybe you are in that family for a reason, to endure, to love, to change, to bring a changed, to support, to be helped, to be rich... anything man can find a purpose in.....
Now Maybe we have a reason why we are put in such families...we don't know yet.. we are made to discover why"
       She looked at me.
"You are the first person to give me a close acceptable answer to that question..."
I was smiling inwardly at myself.
   Then she told me thank you...
Her appreciation though in words carried a certain weight. It was different from most thank you's I had heard.

We spent the rest of the evening together then I escorted her to her, Hostel. She thanked me for a wonderful day... And I smiled.

Then on getting to the gate. She stopped and turned. Then rush towards me to give me a very unexpected tight hug.

It felt really really good. I couldn't remember the last time I was hugged that way, it was different...The feelings I felt around sapphire felt intense but different.

I was flustered as she slowly looked up to me,
"Sorry, I just couldn't...ermm help myself"
She released her grip and perhaps my Senses too as I chuckled.

"It's..ermm okay, I.."

She laughed and said my name.
As I walked back to my hostel, the Air, the sky and even the dark road seemed beautiful for some reason.

And for some reason I was smiling, smiling for someone I had just spoken to two times ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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