"How to Build a Cyborg"

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Gizmo, Jinx, and Mammoth are loading stolen tech into their truck.

Gizmo: "This tech is gonna look so good in our tower!"

Robin: (off screen) "But you'll be in your jail cell." (onscreen) "TITANS GO!"

Robin runs up to Mammoth, staff in hand. Mammoth swings but Robin dodges by jumping and kicking him in the face. Mammoth grunts and then growls. Robin tries to hit him with his staff, but he get thrown.

"Robin!" Starfire catches Robin just before he hits the ground.

Beast Boy Runs over to Mammoth as a Rhino. He slams him up to a near by building.

Raven flies above Jinx. Jinx uses her powers to make an empty car fly towards Raven. "AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!" Right before it hit her, she took control of the car and sent it Jinx's way. Jinx did a cartwheel and avoided it. She dusted off her shirt and shot pink lightning bolts at her opponent. Raven dodged and hit Jinx with a black mass of magic. Jinx fell down but got back up, ready to fight.

Cyborg shoots his sonic cannon at Gizmo, who is creeping over with his long, spider like robot legs. He Jumps over the blast, but Cyborg strikes again. This time Gizmo goes flying.

"Cruuuuuuuud!" Gizmo smacks into the side of his truck. Cyborg Runs over and tries to blast him again before he gets up but Gizmo jumps onto Cyborg.

"C'mon man get off of me!" Cyborg struggles to pull the small vermin off but fails. Gizmo uses a tool and punctures a place in Cyborg's weak spot, a small place on his back that contains some of his most important controls. A spark flies. "I SAID GET OFF!" Cyborg blasts Gizmo and Gizmo falls off. "Hey!" Gizmo screams in his high pitched voice.

"Guys let's beat it!" He yells to Jinx and Mammoth. They all dodge attacks from the Titans and hop into the truck. "So long losers!" Gizmo calls back as they drive off, faster than they ever have before.

Robin let's out a frustrated grunt "I CANT BELIEVE THEY GOT AWAY!"

"It's okay, Robin, we'll get them next time and they will pay for their crimes!" Starfire puts her hand on Robins shoulder, as a reassurance.


Let me know what ya think so far and I will be adding a new chapter soon ( ╹▽╹ )

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