Chapter 7: Hunt of the Nightstalkers

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    "Altinia, my daughter. Is that you?" her father called to her, holding his arms out through the bars. The young royal-turned-rebel ran over and hugged her father tightly, with her mother and little brother all joining in on the long embrace. Lina watched with a warm smile while Oestra kept her eyes on the entrance to the cell room. "I thought for certain we lost you. You had us worried sick."

    "Of course not, Father. I couldn't rest knowing that witch had all of you captured. I needed to get you all out." Altinia's family all looked to her. Her father's eye then fell on Lina and Oestra. Altinia looked back at them before quickly returning to his gaze. "They helped me, Father. They are with us to help you reclaim Kailume."

    "If we are to leave, now would be the time. They would get suspicious of us being down here for so long, or even worse. That snake Silvan could regain consciousness." they all looked to the minotaur before backing up from the cell.

Lina stepped forward and drew her scimitar, the blade growing with a vibrant blue coat. She sliced through all the bars in one slice. The bars fell like loose bricks before Altinia's family scurried out. Lina and the rest all ran out towards the back entrance with Lina and Altina leading the charge. They found a door and opened it up. The royal family all shielded their eyes and walked out slowly. The coast was apparent as they were led away from the castle. Altinia's mother looked back to their rightful home, hoping they would return peace to their home one day. There was no beastkin outside the palace. Soon, they heard a loud howling as a signal calling.

    "Damn! That's her dire wolves, they realized we snuck them out. Run!" Altinia ordered, all of them heading to the forest again, quickly disappearing out of sight from anyone that might've been on their trail.

Back in the palace, Shanna was shaking with absolute rage. The mere thought of a lowly animal tricking her and getting behind her lines made her blood boil. Her dire wolves returned with empty hands and the small hunting party behind them. Both of them kneeled and dared not to look their leader in the face.

    "They got away, Mistress Shanna." Kron uttered, his twin brother snarling at the thought of them escaping.

    "Insolent specks of dirt!" she slammed her fist into the arm of the throne, destroying it. She held her head up with her hand, seething through her teeth in anger. "They will pay. Kron. Krynt. Gather up The Hunt. It's time we made an example."


The sun slowly rose over Kailume. Altinia was enjoying the quality time she lost during the capture of her family. Varis and Lina were busy making new plans along with Harfen and Lelli. While in the heart of the village, elves in chains were led to the edge of the forest. The Hunt along with Shanna watched and intimidated the people until they were all yanked down to their knees. The witch stepped up to the front of the pack, slamming her staff into the ground as several of the nearby trees and plants were all struck by magica.

    "VARIS! Nightstalkers who follow him!" she called out. Her voice projected into the forest. "Your people are here, pleading that you save them. Sadly, that will not come to fruition."

She reached down and grabbed her leading chain, channeling her powers into it. The line of prisoners all screamed in agony as a red aura engulfed them all and turned their flesh into torn pieces of flesh. Kron and Krynt watched in amusement while the rest of The Hunt all clambered in with noises of their own. Soon, their screams of pain died down and they all dropped to the ground. Their bodies were all but damaged beyond repair.

    "I know you heard what happened. Probably even seen what powers I possess. Know this, many have suffered worse. And more will if you do not surrender at this very second." a droning silence filled the air. She grew more irritable with each passing second. She walked over to the second line of prisoners as they all began to cry out in terror.

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