Sokeefe - (Sophie & Keefe from KOtLC)

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  All characters and places belong to Shannon Messenger!!

P.O.V. - Sophie

     Making my way to the library, I heard a voice that belonged to one boy. Keefe Sensen, one of my best friends. "Hey, Foster. You lost?" He remarked. I rolled my eyes after I turned to face him,"Haha, very funny. But I know where the library is." Rolling my eyes a second time before continuing. "That's a very cute eye roll." He reclined onto a wall. I turned away swiftly but not before he catches my blush. 

    "Oh, are we blushing now?" He teased. He tilts my chin up high enough for him to see,"Oh you are. That's so cute!" I blush a deeper red and look down as I try to ignore his hands that are holding my head. He sighs,"I guess I ought to let you get to that library.  How about studying later? Hmm, at my house?"

    I quickly said okay and headed to the library. I spent a good hour looking for books and checked them out. Finally satisfied, I left for the leapmaster and jumped home to an empty house. Leaving a note and most of my books, I left for Keefe's house. When I arrived I walked to their door. I knocked and Cassius answered. 

    "I suppose you are here to see my son." he sneered," What a waste of time. He's out back on the swing." I mumbled a thanks and slipped past him. When I got there Keefe was already sitting there with a sketchpad. "Hey." I greeted. He looked up,"Hey, Foster. I thought we would be studying." He gestured to the single book in my arms. 

    I nodded," I thought we were going to but, then I found a book I would rather be reading." He shrugged," Okay, I didn't want to study anyways." I sat next to him on the swing, tucking my legs underneath me. I opened my book and flowed into the story. But not before I caught him flip the page. 

P.O.V. Keefe


    I watched as she read her book with a soft smile on her face. With my pencil I began sketching her. I sketched her shoulder length blond hair. Her soft, but dangerous eyes. Her soft features. Her delicate hand, holding the book she was clearly enjoying. By the time I was done, I had fallen for her all over again. 

   I huffed,"Foossttter, I'm bored now." She didn't move an inch. I leaned closer to her. "Whatcha reading?" She ignored me again. I sighed, looking over her shoulder. I began reading her book before I got to where I assumed she was. I began reading it out loud," His arms encircled her waist, pulling her closer. He kept tugging her closer until there was no part of them not touching the other. She reached up, her arms entangled in his hair. Their lips finally met-" 

    She snatched the book closed. Blushing furiously,"You know it's rude to read over someones shoulder?" I shrugged," It seemed pretty interesting." She mumbled,"Yeah, of course it is." She rolled her eyes again, focusing on her book. I let her get comfortable, before an idea popped into my mind. I looked over at her. I let one second tick by, two seconds, three, four, and I snatched the book.

    I jumped up just as she jumped up. I held the book high up as she tried to grab it. "Keefe, give it back!" She begged. I shook my head. Waiting for the perfect shot as she jumped up. I lowered it enough for her to snatch it. As she opened it I pulled her in by her waist and kissed her. 

P.O.V - Sophie

He kissed me. Standing there in shock, I didn't have time to kiss him back before he pulled away. He ruffled his hair,"Uh, let's pretend that didn't happen." He went to sit down. I pulled him back up. I tossed my book onto the swing. With a smirk on my face I pulled him in by his collar and kissed him. Finally shocking him, but not long enough for him to grab my waist  to pull me closer. I tangled my hands in his hair. We stood there like that for a minute before I broke away leaving him speechless. Picking up my book I turned to leave,"How's that for a study session." I left him in shock as I walked into his house. I saw a shocked Cassian and a smiling Ro. Ro whooped," You go girl! You left our boy speechless. I got out my home crystal and left.

P.O.V - Keefe

I stood there until Ro walked out with a smug look on her face. "Blondies a feisty one, don't you think hunkyhair?" I nodded still looking where she retreated. Ro snorted," Looks like she's rendered you speechless." "Shut up!" I yelled at her as we headed inside. I shook my head in disbelief. It seemed like we had a wild one after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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