Mall Quest! (part two)

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(Dirk POV)

figures. dork has dorky idea, and now we're trapped in some dorky mall. just great.

"now what?" June asked.

"we get out of here." I reply, "duh."

"oh really?" she snapped back, "I thought we were just going to sit around until that worm monster comes back to eat us. no I meant how will we get out einstein!"

"let's stop our squabbling," Quint said, "and make an effective plan. I propose that we split up to find an alternative exit."

"okay good idea," Jack said, "but one, I don't want to lug around all our stuff. two, if you've ever seen a horror movie, which I know you have Quint, than you know splitting up is bad. and three, what does squabbling mean?"

"those are some good points." June agreed, "except the third one."

"what's wrong with the third one?"

"you're in tenth grade Jack. how do you not know what squabbling is?"

"guys!" I groaned, "let's just go. we'll keep in touch over these walkies, and Rover-" I gave a sharp whistle and the big guy came running over, "can get everything out."

"wait a minute." Jack argued, "since when does Rover come when you whistle?"

"he always has."

"no fair! he never does it when I whistle."

"does it for me." June said.

"Quint if you say he answers for you-"

"Jack I can't whistle."

"oh yeah. forgot about that."

"stop arguing about whistling." I growl, "and get going! I'll load Rover up while you three look for exits. I'll join you later."

after packing food, water, medicine, toilet paper, and other stuff Jack was pestering me about, and sending Rover to wait outside, I scouted around for exits, but they were either covered by vine thingies, or barricaded by rubble. or locked.

"are you kidding me?" I roared kicking the door, "out of all the things to be bested by in the apocalypse, a locked door beats me! aargh!"

just then Jack came barreling around the corner, shooting his gun behind him.

"run!" he screamed seeing me, "it's right behind me!"

"what?" I ask

"the Wormongulous!"

"the what now?!?"

"that!" he pointed behind me, and the worm monster crashed through the wall.

"ah. the Wormongulous."

the last kids on earth but with a twist: book 2Where stories live. Discover now