Chapter 1- Callie

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One day during summer I found myself packing my bags and my other things at a young age to move across the world with one of my parents. This was one of the hardest things that I had to deal with. I had to take care of all my other siblings and I got put in a situation that I never thought I would have been in. Being the oldest kid was very difficult. When my mom and dad told me that they were divorcing each other I blamed my mom for everything because I didn’t understand why this was happening and I didn’t understand why we had to move so far away. I loved both of my parents but I was devastated that I had to leave one of my parents behind and I couldn’t have both of them anymore. My mom took off with me and my other siblings and we only get to see our father for two months in a year. This has been one of the most stressful and confusing 7 years of my life. 

When we moved I had to start over. I left one of my bestfriends that literally was the only person I knew at the time to have split parents. She told me that having split parents wasn’t so bad until they start having other kids with other people. A year after we moved, me and my siblings had a baby sister. We had to take care of ourselves and the little baby because my mom wasn’t a mother at the time. At that time in my life I felt as if nothing was going to end well. I felt like my parents divorce was all my fault and there was nothing I could do to fix it. My dad ended up getting married and not telling us that we were going to have a stepmom and that she had two other kids. At first we weren’t excited and we were pissed off that he didn’t tell us but we soon realized my mom likes to control everything. Both of my parents have grown up a little bit but now I’m their messager between them because they both hate each other. 

My parents have shaped how I feel about people and feel about marriage. I don’t want my future kids to have to deal with a split up home. I feel like two homes are fun when it comes to two Christmas’s and stuff but it still sucks and it's stressful to make two lists for everything. Then having to try and please people is just too much and stressful. 

My 4th grade year to my junior year in highschool has been a challenge. I had a rough transition into school my 4th grade year. I failed pretty much everything and I had met my best friend that I have now and she has helped me through a lot of things and she has told me countless times that me chasing after a boy is a waste of time and I could do better. She's honestly not wrong and I should listen to what she has to say about it. My 5th grade year was the year I met a guy that would have changed my life forever. We met at the school playground during our P.E. hour. We honestly hit it off but I was crushing on his brother at the time but I decided that I wanted him and we “dated” in the 5th grade which was basically a very close friendship at that time in my life. My best friend Liliah told me that he didn’t have the best head on his shoulders. I learned that he got into trouble a lot and at such a young age I thought I could change Zachariah. I thought that maybe I could help bring the good out in him. When I was that young I saw what good he could do. The beginning of my 6th grade year I decided that we shouldn’t be dating and I started to mess with another guy and we were together for about a year and a half. I was still somewhat friends with Zachariah but he was doing worse than he was in 5th grade. Me and Zachariah weren't in the same class both years and I had to see him getting dragged out of the school in handcuffs and I saw him get put in a cop car and they drove off.

I had not one idea what he did. I learned that he was selling pot at school and told the wrong people and he got into trouble because he was a minor in possession of an illegal substance. I didn't hear from him for a good year or two and I thought about him all the time. I wondered everyday what had happened to him and why he decided to be that stupid. I learned within a couple months that he went to a detention center and was in a group home. We didn’t have much contact but at the end of 7th grade he got my snapchat and we started talking again. We ended up dating but I wasn't ready for it all the way and we were on and off going through 8th grade because I started dating a guy in the 8th grade because I really liked him and you know how crushes can be when you are so young they bounce around like crazy and one minute you have one on a kid named Bobby and the next day you're drooling over another boy named Bryton. 

My 8th grade year was a mess. My dad filed for full custody and it was a living hell for a year and half until it got figured out and my dad got laid off. Zachariah was there for me for that whole year and he was very helpful to me even though he was going through his own shit. I learned that he was worse off than I was. 

Zachariah was jumping back and forth through the foster system and I felt terrible and I couldn’t do much. My freshman year I got into a relationship with a boy across the U.S. Zachariah found out and told me that it wasn’t gonna be good and that he didn’t have a good feeling about it and that I was going to get hurt in the end and he wasn’t lying. My freshman year I played softball and softball has been in the picture for a very long time. I started playing my 5th grade year and have been playing ever since then. I played basketball my 5th grade year and my 8th grade year.

When I rebounded from my long distance relationship I was very lost and I just wanted a guy to make me feel loved and comfort me when I really should have been by myself. I ended up fucking the guy that was one of my closest friends in 8th grade. It was a one time thing and he had a girlfriend and I felt terrible about it and after I freaked out and had a pregnancy scare I found a guy named Jay. Me and this guy got together and then I learned that Zachariah was back in town and he was living a town over from me. He told me once again that it was not a good idea to date this guy because he seemed like bad news and I told Zachariah that no matter what he had to say I really started to love this guy. 

Me and Jay started dating after Christmas time my Sophomore year. We were very intimate with each other and I lost a lot of people in my life that meant a lot to me. I lost everybody because I was focusing on my three sports and my relationship. Sophomore year was a very busy year. I ran track, played basketball, and softball. I love sports and sports started to become a part of me and If I had to quit one I would never be the same person. 

My whole sophomore year was the best year so far I had in highschool. The year did end off with me getting cheated on. I feel like my world was falling apart and I just forgave Jay because he meant so much to me and he was literally helping me hold myself together.

Two weeks before I went to my dads he cheated on me because I asked him not to go to a party and he ended up sleeping with an incoming freshman and he's about to be a senior. It hurt a lot but I looked past it and I came here. We took a break 3 days in because he wanted to have physical affection and I couldn’t give him that in New york. 

I asked him not to unblock the girl he cheated on me with. I told him he would lose every way to get in contact with me. A couple of days later I get a text from Jay’s mom asking him about a girl he may have been seeing. She asked if she could call me and I tried to get a hold of Jay but he wasn’t answering me. So I went through his socials and found out that he had unblocked the girl and had sex videos and I found pictures of him and her. I broke down and called his mom and asked her what her description was and she said short and bigger built and I said I only know two girls it could be and I told his mom he was having sex with this girl and we were together.

Zachariah then ran away and I started to freak out...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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