Quirk No. 48: Thermobaric Blast

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Quirk Name: Thermobaric Blast

Quirk Type: Emitter

Inspiration: Thermobaric weapons.

Description: The user can emit hydrogen from their body. They can preheat the hydrogen to autoignition temperature if they so choose. The hydrogen will suck in any oxygen it comes into contact with to use as fuel for the subsequent explosion. The explosion is less powerful at higher altitudes due to the decreased oxygen level. The user's body sucks in oxygen as the hydrogen is released to give them extra protection against the blast.

Ultimate Moves:

All Consuming Flame

The user releases preheated hydrogen in all directions for several seconds to create a devastating explosion and shockwave.

Drive By Burn

The user rides their own explosions past their enemy fast enough to escape the fireball. (Though not necessarily fast enough to escape the shockwave.)

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